Chapter 7: Good morning

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Papyrus: "Wowie! Your mother is a great cook and teacher! If she were here I would have thanked her a million times over!"

*Again, you had some small conversation, and after dinner, you helped Papyrus clean up the dining table and the kitchen. After that everyone was in the living room relaxing until you decided to tell everyone what you did today.

After telling them what you did today everyone went to their rooms and called it a night.




Good morning

Your POV

I woke up on a comfortable bed in a long time except for yesterday and got up and stretched my body. I went downstairs to the bathroom between the stairs and the left side of the television. I wanted to shower but I didn't have any other clothes to wear and the only clothes I have or that I'm wearing are the clothes from two days ago and these still have blood stains on them.

(Y/N): "Wait a minute... That means... Yesterday before that day and yesterday..."

I looked in the mirror and see that my face is all red. Of course, I'll be red as heck because I am so gosh dang embarrassed! Why did no one say a thing?! I went to the kitchen to get post-it notes from the drawers and wrote "I'll be out for a while at snowdin town to get some clothes" and stuck it at the front of my door. I went outside to a nearby clothing shop. Sometime later looking around for clothes I like, I bought them and went back home. I went inside and it was still quiet. It seems like they are still sleeping. I went to my room to put some of my clothes in the closet and went back down to the bathroom to finally take a shower.

<Just to let you know and in case you were wondering why you had some gold. Well, that's because Gaster secretly put some gold in your phone>

After taking a shower I put on my White sweater with two horizontal black stripes and a baggy blue jeans.

<The sweater is like Frisk's sweater design but just white and black>

 I went to the kitchen to make some classy breakfast for everyone. 

<I hope you're hungry now>

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<I hope you're hungry now>

I set up the dining table and put the food in the middle of the table. I went back upstairs to remove the note on my door. As I went to the stairs, a door opens in front of me and I see Sans walk out of the room.

(Y/N): "Good morning Sans"

Sans: "mornin'. what are you doin' up n' early?"

(Y/N): "I sometimes wake up early"

Sans: "huh. that's a weird coincidence. i also sometimes wake up early"

(Y/N): "Heh. Looks like we were meant to be brothers! Anyway, I made breakfast"

Sans: "cool. i'll wake up the others" Sans went back into his room to wake up Papyrus. I go downstairs to the dining table and took a seat and used my phone until everyone is at the table. After a minute or so everyone got to the dining table and we all started to eat some classy breakfast.

Papyrus: "Wowie! This breakfast tastes amazing!"

Gaster: "(Y/N) did you make this breakfast?"

(Y/N): "Yes, I did! Why? Does it taste good? Or is there something missing?"

Gaster: "Ah no, I was just wondering. Who taught you to cook?"

(Y/N): "My mom and dad did"

Papyrus: (Y/N) are your parents some kind of master chefs and great teachers? Because they have taught you well I must say!"

(Y/N): "Well my mom owns a restaurant and a lot of people seem to love her restaurant so I guess you could say she is a master chef. But my dad is a music producer. But sometimes dad helps mom with cooking a lot and because of that he learned some things from her"

Papyrus: "But you help her as well right?"

(Y/N): "Of course, I do! Cooking is fun!"

Papyrus: "Indeed it is! We should cook with Undyne! Cooking with her is a lot of fun! Although her cooking methods are a little... Brutal..."

(Y/N): "Uhm... Sure Papyrus" We all finished our breakfast and Papyrus and Gaster insisted on cleaning up the dining table and the kitchen since you made breakfast. 

*You and Sans went to the living room to chill for a while. You remembered the game Chara was playing so you gave it try... You had to wait some more because there were some requirements to download.

Sans: "don't get too addicted kid"

(Y/N): "Now you're saying it too"

Sans: "lemme guess. asriel?"

(Y/N): "Eyup. But why though?"

Sans: "chara has made some people addicted but i'm not saying it's a bad thing"

(Y/N): "Don't worry Sans I'm sure I won't get too addicted"

Sans: "well have fun kid"

(Y/N): "Thanks!" Sans and I talked some more while I was waiting for the game to finish downloading whatever it was downloading.



After it was done downloading I started the game. Then I see a blue-haired girl.

(Y/N): "Uhm is it supposed to start like this?"

The blue-haired girl introduced herself. her name was Hatsune Miku. Then she started to explain something Sekai?

<I don't want to explain the intro of the game because I don't want to spoil anything for the people who haven't played it yet and I am writing just as I woke up and it is currently 1:30 PM as I'm writing this>

After a long intro to the game, I finally got to the main part of the game. I picked out a song called "Bring it on". I picked the difficulty expert to see if I can react that fast and get a good score. Before I could start I had the option to change my speed notes. I changed my speed notes to 11 then I started playing the song.

*After playing that song

To my surprise, I did really well. I didn't miss a single note. I didn't get all perfect notes but I did get most of them.

Sans: "have you played this before? because when chara first played it she was struggling a bit"

(Y/N): "Nope. This is my first time. I guess I just relied on my reaction time"

Sans: "well you got some good reaction time there buddy. if chara were here she would be totally surprised and be super jealous of you"

*You continued to play the game for a while. Sometime later you decided to stop playing and go outside and explore the underground more.

To be continued...

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