Chapter 15: The unwanted return

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You arrived and saw Chara sitting on a bench. You sat beside her left side and put your right arm on the bench behind her. She notices this and says

Chara: "Cringe"

(Y/N): "Heh I know. So what do you want to tell me in person and not over text?"

Chara: "Well do you remember the time you've told me about the gray door?"

(Y/N): "Yeah? What about it?" You said and turned your head to look at the "stars" and the castle.

Chara: "Well it's been bothering me for a while and I keep wondering what's behind the door that only you can see and access"

(Y/N): "Oh, so you want me to find out what's behind the door?"

Chara: "Yes but you don't have to if you still feel nervous about it. Every time someone asks you about the gray door, you always seem to be uncomfortable about it"

(Y/N): "Yeah I really have a bad feeling that something really dangerous is behind that door"

Chara: "...Wait"

(Y/N): "What is it?"

Chara: "Well what if I can also access the gray door with you when I hold your hand for example?"

(Y/N): "That could work. Do you think that I get teleported to that specific area where no one can see or get to?"

Chara: "Exactly. So If you get teleported then all I have to do to come with you is, hold you just like how you teleport me and Azzy to our garden"

(Y/N): "You're really smart, you know that?"

Chara: "Hah, I know"

(Y/N): "Well do you want to go now?"

Chara: "Yes"

You touched Chara's right shoulder and teleported to the area right before the gray door.

Chara: "Woah!" She tumbles and falls on your chest. 

Chara: "A warning would be nice"

(Y/N): "Hehe, right sorry"

Chara: "So this is where you get teleported then?"

(Y/N): "Yup. Are you ready?"

Chara: "I should be the one asking you that" She grabs your hand and walks forward.

(Y/N): "Wait but it might not work because last time was my second time there. I'm not sure why but I have a feeling that it's just by pure chance and luck"

Chara: "Don't worry about that. I'm sure I'm lucky enough to get us teleported"

(Y/N): "Alright but don't act surprised if it doesn't work"

Chara: "So you wanna bet on it?"

(Y/N): "Sure, what are we betting on?"

Chara: "You'll make me that chocolate lava cake for a month"

(Y/N): "Chara, that's too much chocolate"

Chara: "Good. Now what do you want?"

(Y/N): "Hmm... You'll go on a date with me"

Chara: "What?"

(Y/N): "What?"

Chara: "Are you being serious right now?"

(Y/N): "Yes"

Chara: "Alright fine. I'll win anyway so let's go already"

You two walked forward and then suddenly you and Chara managed to get to the gray door. This caught you off guard and you look at Chara and she has this big grin on her face saying "I win".

Female Frisk x Female Chara x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now