Chapter 11: Magic

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Chara's POV

Chara: "...Fine" I held his hand with my right hand and then suddenly we are in the garden.

Chara: "Woah! Wait how did we-"

(Y/N): "I teleported us inside"

Chara: "I thought only Sans could do that"

(Y/N): "Not only Sans but Gaster and Paps too"

Chara: "But I've never seen them teleport though"

(Y/N): "That's weird because I'm sure that we all have the same DNA since Sans and Papyrus were created by him and I have his and Roy's AMS"

Chara: "AMS? And who's Roy?"

(Y/N): "AMS stands for "Artificial Monster Soul" and Roy was Gaster's little brother"

Chara: "Gaster had a little brother..." I muttered

(Y/N): "Sorry what was that? You were kinda quiet there"

Chara: "Nothing important. Anyway about teaching me how to use magic"

(Y/N): "Ah right I almost forgot about that hehe. Alright here's what you have to do... Actually, let me see how you can use your magic"

Chara: "...Mmmm" I looked away

(Y/N): "Come on, I won't judge you"

Chara: "...Fine" I held my right hand out and concentrated on making a knife. I tried to let my magic but it was too hard. It took me some time to finally make that damn knife.

(Y/N): "Hmm..."

Chara: "(Sigh) See? I'm not good with magic......... Ugh, say something you idiot! You're making me feel embarrassed!"

(Y/N): "Heh sorry my bad. I think I know the problem why"

Chara: "So what's the problem then?"

(Y/N): "What type of magic does Asriel use?"

Chara: "Fire"

(Y/N): "Okay. Have you seen any other monsters use that type of magic?"

Chara: "So far I've only seen Mom and Dad use it"

(Y/N): "Okay. So do you know the different types of magic?"

Chara: "There are different types of magic?"

(Y/N): "Yes, There is Elemental magic like Fire, Ice, Water and etc. Chromas magic which Gaster can use. Lastly is Soul magic which most Humans use. But of course, there are also other types of magic that monsters use for example Papyrus, he uses bone magic. But anyway right now we are going to concentrate on your Soul magic"

Chara: "And how do we do that?"

(Y/N): "Close your eyes and hold out your hand then imagine your soul on your hand and then reshape it to a knife"

You see Chara do what you said.



Chara: "Hey"

(Y/N): "Oh sorry. Well, you definitely did better than before. Now I want you to practice letting your magic naturally come out if you know what I mean. Because later on it will be easy as breathing"

Chara: "Hmm... I'll keep that in mind"

(Y/N): "Great and good luck! I'll be over there where we first met"

Chara: "Okay, see you later"

Your POV

You went to the place where you, Chara and Asriel first met. You lay down at the center of the flower field and relaxed. You got pretty tired from all that magic capabilities testing in the morning but you won't have to do that anymore because you have figured out many magic abilities you can use but still have to practice to master them.

Female Frisk x Female Chara x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now