Chapter 6: Garden (Part 2)

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*None of you spoke a single word and it got very awkward since Chara and Asriel didn't know what to say from what you just told them. Until you broke the ice.

(Y/N): "So how often do you guys come here to take care of the garden?"

Asriel: "We come here every two days"

(Y/N): "That's why it looks so pretty here. Do your parents also have a garden?"

Chara: "Yeah but it's at the castle"

(Y/N): "So you guys have like your own garden then?"

Asriel: "Yup!"

(Y/N): "That's pretty cool!... So are we done here? Because we've been taking care of them for a long while now"

Chara: "Oh right. How did we not notice that?" Asriel checks his phone to check the time and notices that all three of you have been taking care of the flowers for over an hour.

Asriel: "Oh gosh it's been over an hour! Mom and dad are probably worried by now"

(Y/N): "Well let's go back then"

Chara: "Are you coming with us?"

(Y/N): "Yup. Queen Toriel and I are going to bake a pie for dinner remember?"

Chara: "Oh right"

*Then all three of you started walking back to the castle.

(Y/N): "To be honest I am a little nervous"

Asriel: "About what?"

(Y/N): "Baking a pie"

Asriel: "Oh right. Don't worry though! Mom is great at teaching so you don't have to be nervous about it"

(Y/N): "Hmm what if I make a mistake?"

Asriel: "Then she'll correct you and tell you what did wrong"

Chara: "She'll also give you some tips and advice"

(Y/N): "Oh alright then I guess there is nothing to be nervous about"

*After that, you had a nice conversation about what you like and other stuff while returning to their home. You three eventually arrived back home and got greeted by Queen Toriel and King Asgore. They scolded Chara and Asriel for a bit making them worried but it was nothing so serious since Asriel explained to them why they took so long and what they did. After that Queen Toriel and King Asgore brushed their worries off. King Asgore went to the living with the siblings to spend some good family time with them while you and Queen Toriel went to the kitchen and started to bake a butterscotch cinnamon pie. Before you started Queen Toriel told you to wash your hands first.

<This video does not belong to me. Credits to Feast Of Fiction for making this fantastic baking video>

Asriel's POV

While mom and (Y/N) are baking the pie. Me, Chara, and my dad went to the living room and I sat on the left side of the couch and Chara sat on beside me on my right while dad sat on his big chair on our left.

Asgore: "How is your garden coming along?"

Asriel: "It's going really well"

Asgore: "That's wonderful! Did you two bring (Y/N) along? I'm assuming that because he came back with you two"

Asriel: "Well..."

Chara: "When we got to the entrance of the Ruins we heard a loud noise"

Asriel: "Yup and it turned out to be (Y/N). He was just testing his magic capabilities"

Chara: "Then he asked us if he could come with us to our garden then we said "Sure!" While we were walking to our garden (Y/N) said that the underground is an amazing place to be in"

Asgore: "Yes, I have to agree with (Y/N). The underground is truly an amazing place to be. Although the surface looks better with the sun and everything else the underground is still a good place to live in. So what else do you three do?"

Asriel: "Well uhm... I asked him why he dislikes humans and well... Chara. Can you please tell the story...?"

Chara: "Okay sure" Chara told dad, (Y/N)'s life before the sub-lab and when his father was still alive.

Chara: "And that was his life before everything else happened. But there is one thing that doesn't add up. What does it have to do with William? And why does it have to be (Y/N) when it could've been any other human with a determination soul"

Asgore: "Let's ask him about it later. I am also curious as to why William chose (Y/N) as his subject for his experiment..." (Y/N) walks into the living room right as dad finished talking.

Asriel: "Speak of the devil. Howdy (Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "(Chuckles) Howdy Asriel!"

Asriel: "Did it go well baking with mom?"

(Y/N): "Uhm there were a few trials and errors but let's hope for the best for the end result!" He said with a bright smile.

(Y/N) sat next to Chara and Chara gets her phone out and plays a rhythm video game while (Y/N) watched Chara how well she plays while dad went to the kitchen to help mom clean up.

(Y/N): "How are you so good at this game?"

Chara: "I've been playing it for a few months so probably that's why"

(Y/N): "Cool. What is the name of this game?"

Chara: "Project Sekai"

(Y/N): "Thank you! I bet I'll clear a song on expert"

Chara: "Hah! Good luck with that. I bet you'll need more than a few months to surpass me!"

Asriel: "Please don't get addicted (Y/N)..."

No one's POV

*You downloaded the game and then realize that it needs a long time to download. You put your phone aside and talked with Asriel while Chara was concentrated on her game. After some time later the three of you went to the dining table and ate your butterscotch cinnamon pie. To your surprise the pie was amazing. Everyone complimented you and Queen Toriel for baking this pie. After some small conversation and some pie later you helped Queen Toriel clean up the dining table and the kitchen. After that, you said your goodbyes and went home.

You went inside your house and see that Papyrus is in the kitchen cooking something. In the living room, you saw Sans on his phone sitting on a chair on the left side of the couch, and on the couch was Gaster laying on the couch as he was relaxing listening to music with his headphones on. The skele-bros greeted your arrival and you went to Papyrus who was in the kitchen to help him. You see him making a couple of mistakes but you corrected him and explained why it's better that way.

After cooking with Papyrus you set up the dining table while Papyrus called for Sans and Gaster for dinner. You didn't mind having dinner twice. All of you started eating and Papyrus had a surprised look.

Papyrus: "(Y/N) are you a masterchef? Because this spaghetti is great! But not great as the great Papyrus! Nyeh heh heh!"

(Y/N): "(Chuckles) No Papyrus I'm not a Masterchef. My mom taught me all the basic cooking recipes in case I'm home alone so that I don't have to starve and wait for my mom to come home"

Papyrus: "Wowie! Your mother is a great cook and teacher! If she were here I would have thanked her a million times over!"

*Again, you had some small conversation, and after dinner, you helped Papyrus clean up the dining table and the kitchen. After that everyone was in the living room relaxing until you decided to tell everyone what you did today.

After telling them what you did today everyone went to their rooms and called it a night.

To be continued...

Female Frisk x Female Chara x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now