Chapter 5:First Dungeon.

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*Y/N pov*

Waking up slowly I get up and brush myself off, looking around I remember that I was able to make it to a small village out in the country side.

With a big yawn I get out of the hay bale I was sleeping in before stretching and walking the streets, this is place is... Quaint.

It's small with only a few small businesses and farms to it's name, the streets are wet and muddy beneath my feet and the smell of pig shit and general rot lingers in the air. Despite this however I quite like this, a large departure from the wealth of both morgan's Castle and my previous life.

With a small smile I leave the field I had slept in before walking to the town square, my long fury Cape covering my armour and weapons as well as my bag, paying for food and a bottle of whisky I leave the town messing with my weapon as I get quite far from town.

Soon finding myself in the middle of nowhere i look around the area, large oak trees with an overwhelming aura of creepyness and grunge, a thick fog surrounding me... God I wish I had a horse or somthing.

Scratching the back of my neck a mission screen popping up in my vision.


New mission!

Your wish is our command!

Conquer your first dungeon and learn the uses of the Dungeon creation skill!

Find the mount and befriend them.



-random mount

-riding skill



-mount food


Huh neat...

Wait, if the system responds to what I need with a mission giving me said thing that means I could proberbly use it to get cool stuff!

Clearing my throat I start speaking as naturally as I can.

Y/n:Oh no! I wish i had a way to hide from Morgan! Maybe a invisible cloak or hidden castle! Maybe even a big strong tomboy/milf waifu! Oh no if only.

Seeing a screen pop up I smirk reading it, said smirk dropping as soon as I read it.

Fuck you.


Y/n:Well thanks, can't blame me for trying can you.

Shaking my head I dismiss the message, sitting on the floor just in case I get dizzy or disorientated when I creat a Dungeon. Doing so my vision fades to a black wavy mist before clearing up revealing my surroundings.

Instead of the deep dark forest I was originally in I'm now stuck in a strange looking jungle, the trees spiralling into the sky with neon coloured plants and growths snaking up them, the forest seemed to give off a bright neon glow from everything from it's plants to the water around me that pools in small ponds surrounding the small island I'm lying on.

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