Chapter 9:S! S! S!

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*3rd pov*

We open up to a crowded part of a large city, the sounds, smalls and large colourful market stalls making it clear that this is the shopping distance.

The crowd parting a little we see three very strange individuals:

A boring looking balled man with a red, white and yellow opai hoodie hungrily looking at a menu in his hands, the words 'SALE SALE SALE' Being brightly embrazened on the front.

The man next to him being a tall blond man with extremely strange pupils, white widlfee beater, black trousers and very advanced robotic arms.

Finally we see two woman next to them, on being tall with black hair, a nice fur jacket, pristine black trousers with a chain and a tight fitting top that says Hageta she's very close to the bald man similarly Reading out the menu he was holding. The other woman being quite short with a black dress floating behind the cyborg man, resting her head on his shoulder letting her bright green hair flow down his chest.

Baldy:Ooooh they have 40% off udon... And 20% off if we buy a certain amount.

Cyborg:that is a good deal sensei. By my calculations we should get there with plenty of time to spare.

Smirking the small lady taunts them.

Small:Yknow you two are hopeless, your income is better than most and even now you only buy things from sales.

Baldy:Duh, how do you think we can afford things?

Cyborg:Mhmm, especially in this economy.

The two nodding in unison the green one simply stares at them a single bead of sweat running down their face.

Walking down the road their attention is drawn to a large digital news billboard, the man looking quite worried about somthing.

News man:In other news, a deranged mad man has started to terrorise the shopping district, despite his destruction however he is nonhostile in a certain range.

A picture of said man coming on screen the cyborgs eyes whirl to life anylises every detail of the area, before finally turning tk the baled man.

Cyborg:Sensei! That's quite close, I think we should go deal with that man.

Baldy:Uhhh, why?

Cyborg:We have time to stare, plus what happens when he gets bored... He could try and destroy the shopping-

Suddenly sprinting off the baldy shouts out to the group he had just left in the dust.

Baldy:What are you waiting for let's go!!!!


The group proceeding to run after the man each one of their powers start to rev up, the gaps in the cyborgs machinery Bursting to life in orange and red light, the tall woman flying above them much like their smaller counterpart.

*Y/n pov*

I've been waiting... FOR THREE HOURS!

Does whoever the fuck runs this think I'll just leave if no one comes to fight me!? Fuck it I might just start destroying shit at this point, jumping from the the shaft of my scythe I pick it back up resting it over my shoulders before walking off.


Dammit just as I leave. Lazilly turning around I look across my area seeing a man walking into the ring, he seems to be a man in his early or maybe late twenties dressed up like a delinquent with a large pompadour, black leather outfit, red top and metal baseball bat.

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