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Author's note: This is part two of the Hiranna kiss chapter, hope you like it.

The whole studio:*silent*

Fire: I never knew it would be so quiet when Noery and Hiro are not around.

Honey:*typing on her phone* T-T #TheendofHiry #Breakup #Hirannakiss #Awkwardsilence #Nomorefun

Tadashi:*sits on the couch* He doesn't want to come out.

Gogo:*lying on Baymax**pops gum* Noery's just watching Big Hero 6 over and over again in her T.V

Hiccup: They need each other

Snotlout: What even happened?

Hanna: Hiro kissed me for 10 seconds, but that's part of the dare.

Eugen: The ten seconds is NOT part of the dare.

Hanna: I know but Hiro DID kiss back.

Everyone: WHAT!?!

Merida: Just tell Hiro to say sorry.

Tadashi: I already TRIED to tell him.

Noery:*comes in the studio looking like a mess* Hey guys. I just went in to see how you're doing without me and HIM.

Lianne, Fire and Eugen: NOERY!!! *runs to hug her*

Noery: Uh, I gotta get going!!! *runs towards her room again**slams the door close*

Lianne: T-T

Eugen: Come on!!!

Baymax: I can scan them through their rooms. They both are experiencing something called depression.

Jack: I never saw Noery cry.

Wasabi: Let's just kick Hiro's door open and force him to say sorry.

Fred: Let's just wait a few days for them to cool off.

Eugen: Do you even KNOW Noery, she NEVER cools off. (I sometimes cool off when I'm not raging)

Hiro:*comes in* Hi guys, I'm just here to get some Gummy Bears in the vending machine.

Tadashi: CATCH HIM!!!

Wasabi, Fred, Snotlout, Hiccup, Jack and Tuffnut:*chases Hiro*

Hiro: Oh my Gummy Bears!!! *runs*

Noery:*hears the running in the hallways**getting annoyed**opens her door**sees Hiro passing* I wish you step on a Lego!!!

Hiro:*still running* Thanks for nothing!!!


Wasabi, Fred and Tuffnut:*while chasing Hiro**slams their heads on the door**falls unconscious*

Jack, Snotlout and Hiccup:*continues chasing Hiro*

Noery:*looks at Wasabi, Fred and Tuffnut* My bad.

Jack:*flies towards Hiro**grabs his hoodie*

Hiro: *getting dragged back in the studio* -_-

Noery:*comes out* Good luck for the torture!!! I hope you make it out alive!!!

Tuffnut:*sudden wakes up**grabs Noery*

Noery: Oh no, you don't *kicks Tuff's not so happy place**goes back in her room**slams the door shut*

Tuffnut:*falls on the floor**trying to prevent from crying*

Noery:*snickers behind her door* I bet his grandchildren's gonna feel that in the future, if he can have some.

Ask and Dare us (Big Hero 6, HTTYD and The Big five)Where stories live. Discover now