Cut off the sweetness

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Jelsa:*cuddling on the couch with Hiccstrid*

Tadashi, Honey, Far, and Hanna:*getting to know each other better*

Lianne, Eugen, Snotlout and Fishlegs:*playing Snakes and ladders*

Merida and Tuffnut:*playing chess*

Merida: Checkmate!!!

Tuffnut:*scratching his head* What do I do next?


Rapunzel, Wasabi, Fred and Ruffnut:*playing Sonic ball**laughing*

Gogo:*poking Olaf with her finger*

Olaf:*laughing cutely*

Hiro:*chasing Noery*

Noery:*running away from the crazy boy* We kiss too much!!! I thought the dare is done!!!

Hiro: It IS done!!! Just on the cheek!!!

Noery: No way!!! *trips on the floor*

Hiro:*grabs Noery**tries to kiss her cheek*

Noery:*preventing Hiro from kissing her* AHHHHH!!! ELSA!!! FREEZE HIRO'S HEART!!! I'LL JUST UNFREEZE HIM NEXT WEEK!!!


Noery: We can use Baymax's difibulators to wake him up!!!

Hiro: HECK NO!!! *backs away from her**raises hands in surrender*

Noery:*smirks* Good.

Gogo:*sees Baymax* Hey Baymax.

Baymax: I got a message from one of the readers.

Everyone:*stops doing what they're doing*

Noery: Read it

Baymax: He dared ALL the couples to stop acting sweet for a week.

Jelsa, Hiccstrid, Tadaney and Hiro:*jaw-drops*

Noery:*smiles widely**jumps up and down* THIS IS THE BEST DARE EVER!!!

Everyone:*looks at Noery*

Noery: What? I got annoyed by his kissing *points to Hiro*

Hiro:*kisses her for the last time before the dare starts**blushes*

Noery: -_- Let's start the dare.

-Day one-

Hiccup and Astrid:*just talking*

Tadashi and Honey:*silence while trying to avoid each other*

Jack and Elsa:*poking Olaf*

Olaf:*laughing cutely*


Noery:*snickers* Awwww...He can't kiss me until the week is done.

Hiccup: Hey!!! Stop flirting!!!

Noery:*blushes* I am NOT flirting!!!

Hiccup: Then why did you blush huh?

Noery:*walks out*

Hiro:*crosses arms*

Everyone else:*videotaping the others*

-Day two-

The whole studio:*silence*

Jack:*tying himself to the wall*

Elsa:*making a snowman alone*

Hiccup:*playing with Toothless*

Astrid:*sharpening her axe*

Hiro:*putting duct tape on his mouth*

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