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We see a pitch-black screen as we hear someone, Vanny Wakeman, talking.
Vanny Wakeman: Uncle Metal?
We hear what sounds Like Metal Sonic turning to look at someone.
Metal Sonic: What is it Vanny?
Vanny Wakeman: Can you tell me about how you met Sonic?
Metal Sonic: Sorry Kiddo, but you aren't ready for that story yet~!
We hear Vanny pout a small bit.
Vanny Wakeman: Aww... Pretty Please with a Cherry on Top~?!
We hear Metal Sonic as he Laughs joyfully.
Metal Sonic: Ok, fine~!
Vanny Wakeman: Yay~!

Metal Sonic: Just don't tell your moms I told you this story, ok~?
We hear Vanny Giggle joyfully.
Vanny Wakeman: Ok, I promise~!
Metal Sonic: Good~! Now then, you're going to need some background information...
We hear the sound of Metal Sonic sitting Down.
Metal Sonic: Let's start off with Sonic's History.
We cut to a shot of Mobius as we see some words/sentences appear on screen, going in the following order as the camera, slowly, pans closer and closer to mobius:
0. Somewhere, in a, somewhat, alternate reality...
We see a shot of the planet, Mobius.

We see a shot of the planet, Mobius

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1. Undertale_Fan_Ultra Presents...
We see the camera slowly go down to the atmosphere of mobius.

We see the camera slowly go down to the atmosphere of mobius

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2. A, Mostly, Original Wattpad Story/Movie.
We see The Camera slowly go through the Clouds of Mobius.

We see The Camera slowly go through the Clouds of Mobius

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3. With Character's you all Know...
We see a shot of South Island from Sonic 1.

We see a shot of South Island from Sonic 1

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4. And with Characters you all love~!
We see the Title Appear over South Island

 And with Characters you all love~!We see the Title Appear over South Island

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Metal Sonic: His name, is Sonic the Hedgehog.
Metal Sonic: People Call him the fastest thing alive.
Vanny Wakeman: Why?
Metal Sonic: Depends.
We can see Sonic Running through green hill zone as Metal Sonic Talks

Metal Sonic: You ever seen an organic and blue quilled Hedgehog run at the speed of sound~?
Sonic keeps running through green hill zone.
Metal Sonic: He could read alarming speeds in just a few short minutes.
Vanny Wakeman: Woah~...! That's Way past cool~!
Metal Sonic Chuckles.
Metal Sonic: Yeah, you could say that~!
We see Sonic as he continues running through green hill zone at break-neck speeds.
Metal Sonic: He was my creator's inspiration to make me and your older uncles.
Vanny Wakeman: Sounds like he was obsessed.
Metal Sonic: Believe me Vanny, that's an understatement...
We See Sonic stopping upon reaching the end of the Zone and looking at something.
Vanny Wakeman: So how did he get to our world?
Metal Sonic: Well...
We see an unmoving, but still very much so open, Ring Portal that shows Tremorton City Through it.
Metal Sonic: He said that he just saw an Open ring portal that Wasn't moving. It was in front of a natural wall in the green hill zone.

Sonic begins to walk to the Portal.
Metal Sonic: When he got through... he was suddenly about half a mile outside of Tremorton City...
We see Sonic Smile as he quickly starts to run towards Tremorton, reaching sonic speeds in a few seconds.

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