PART 4 (Episode Metal): ACT 3

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ACT 3:

We see our main heroes as they all Fly towards the Death Egg as it slowly rises up and up, higher and higher into the Sky, with weaponry locking onto them.
Tails the Fox: HOLD ON!!!
Tails flies the Tornado towards the Death Egg as missiles fire at Tails himself, Sonic, Knuckles, Amy, the Tornado, and Team Robot dodge them, the missiles flying past them and the Tornado. Our heroes continue to Dodge around missiles and Lasers as they fly towards the Death Egg in a hurry.
Metal Sonic: Keep going!
Sonic and Tails: We are!
Melody: (Confidently) WELL THEN, GO FASTER!!!
Team Robot starts boosting as Tails uses the Rocket on the Tornado to go at the same speed and keep up. Our heroes keep dodging Missiles, Lasers, and bullets as they get closer and closer to the Death Egg. Right as they're about to make it to the death egg, the Tornado gets hit, Forcing Sonic, Knuckles, and Amy to Jump as Tails starts falling behind.
Sonic the Hedgehog: Tails!!! NO!!!
Tails sets the Tornado on Auto Pilot and charts the course for it to go back to Brad and Tuck and, at the last second, jumps up and grabs onto a Ladder, climbing up to the platform that our Heroes are on before they look and See Eggman and his villainous allies arrive, before entering the Death Egg, all of them laughing evilly as they do so.
Metal Sonic: We'd better catch up!
Melody: Agreed!
The Heroes all nod as they leap into the Death Egg and Arrive on the inside.
Misty, Metal Sonic, Vega, and Jenny Wakeman: Let's go...
Our Heroes all arrive in a big, pitch-black, room as they look around.
Vega: Jeez, who turned out the lights?
We hear the sound of Shard's head turning.
Shard: Oh, visitors so soon?
The Lights turn on as we see Shard leaning against a wall, much like before, as he smirks.}
Shard: (Tauntingly) Are you going somewhere? I'll be happy to guide you if you want~!
Metal Sonic's eyes Narrow as he Runs towards Shard.
Metal Sonic: NOW I'VE GOT YOU!!!
Shard Smirks as Metal Sonic lunges at him.
Shard: Do you, faker?
Metal Sonic, suddenly, gets blasted away by another robot. Metal Sonic, Jenny, Vega, and Sonic stare down Shard and the other robot as it steps into the light.
Metal Sonic's eyes widen as he sees a Jenny Wakeman that looks more like his old self.
Shard: Oh, where are my manners? Metal Faker... meet MJ-9... our little sister.
Metal Sonic: What...? You made another Jenny just to stop us?
Shard laughs.
Shard: Foolish Faker... our Little Sister surpasses Your foster sister, in EVERY way.
Metal Sonic gets up and looks at his family, and his former rival, before smiling and looking Back at Shard and MJ-9.
Metal Sonic: You won't win, Shard. We'll make sure of it! I don't care what you try and throw at us, you won't win!
Shard laughs maniacally.
Shard: Oh, how I'd LOVE to see you TRY to stop us faker.
Metal Sonic smirks as he looks back at his allies.
Metal Sonic: You all stay back for this.
The rest of our main Heroes' eyes widen.
Sonic the Hedgehog: WHAT?! WHY WOULD WE DO THAT?!
Metal Sonic chuckles as he looks at Shard, and glares.
Metal Sonic: I don't want to be interrupted in this 1v1 rematch.
Shard's eyes widen as he looks at Metal Sonic, before starting to Laugh Maniacally.
Shard: I see, fine then.
Shard looks at MJ-9.
Shard: You heard my Faker MJ-9, stand aside and let us fight one on one.
MJ-9 Nods and steps back, allowing Shard and Metal Sonic to Lunge towards each other, and fight one another. Metal Sonic and Shard exchange blows, punches, and glares as they continue to fight one-another angrily. After a while, Shard finally seems to have enough and Leaps onto Metal Sonic before boosting himself and Metal into the floor, causing them to arrive on a set of Thick Panels on the Death egg as it rises into the Air. Shard begins to punch the Oil out of Metal Sonic as fast, and as hard, as he possibly can for a few minutes before Grabbing Metal and Throwing him upwards and onto the death egg, causing him to collapse onto the catwalk of thick panels, unmoving.
Shard: Too easy...
Shard begins to walk away as the rest of our heroes look in disbelief, MJ-9 rubbing the underside of her chin.
Jenny Wakeman: No way...
Vega: Get up Metal...
As Shard slowly walks away, we hear the sound of Metal Sonic Coughing, causing Shard to stop and groan in Annoyed and Disgusted Disbelief. Metal Sonic starts to slowly clamber up, barely able to stand up at all as his legs shaking as he stares at Shard, who stares back in that same Annoyed and Disgusted Disbelief.
Shard: Really, even after I beat you into a bloody fucking pulp, you still want more?
Metal Sonic smirks as his body begins to spark an orangish-gold-yellowish color as Shard looks at him in, again, that same disgusted and annoyed disbelief.
Metal Sonic: No... do you?
Shard stares for a moment.
Shard: What?
Shard, our Heroes, and MJ-9 look in shock as Metal Sonic's Body sparks more, as his eyes and lights start to change color.
Metal Sonic: I'll take that... as a YES!!!
Right as Metal Sonic shouts, "YES!!!" and as Shard sends a punch his way, Metal's body erupts into a Golden Orange-Yellow flame right as he catches the punch.
After the brief light show, which caused Shard to cover his visor, Metal Sonic begins to slowly float off the ground as his lights glow and his body sparks a golden orange yellow glow as he stares down Shard. After the brief stare, Metal Sonic flies and punches Shard at incredibly fast speeds, knocking the Oil out of him as the rest of the Heroes cheer him on, the camera quickly cutting to a shot of them Cheering before cutting to each of them Individually.
Sonic the Hedgehog: YEAH, GO METAL SONIC!!!!
Jenny Wakeman: KEEP IT UP METAL~!!!
MJ-9 sends a blast at our Heroes, only for Sonic to knock it back at them, sending them flying back. The Scene Cuts back to Metal Sonic as he knocks Shard Around before sending him flying up and back into the Death egg before knocking him around like he's playing a game of Volleyball, with himself, faster and faster and faster for a minute before sending Shard Cascading down to the ground, before sending him flying back up. Metal Sonic then Fly-by hits Shard multiple times in a row, as fast as he possibly can, making sure Shard never gets a break. After a few moments of that, Metal Sonic, Finally, deals a final blow to Shard, sending him flying into a wall, and then collapsing onto the ground as Metal Sonic lands, coming out of his overclocked state, panting.
Metal Sonic: Good god that was tiring as all-
Metal Sonic turns to see MJ-9 as she lunges towards him, sending him crashing through a couple walls as she punches and kicks him.
Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Misty, Jenny, Vega, and Melody: METAL!!!
Metal Sonic crashes into a wall and hits the ground as MJ-9 punches him a good couple times.
Jenny Wakeman: METAL, MOVE!!!
MJ-9 grabs Meta Sonic by the neck and lifts him up as the rest of our heroes look at him.
MJ-9 [Tape-Recorder]: (Van Pelt:) Any last words?
Metal Sonic's eyes widen as he looks at MJ-9 in shock, so does Jenny as Vega look at her.
Vega: What, what is it?
MJ-9 [Tape-Recorder]: (Vega:) What, what is it?
Everyone, except for Shard, looks at MJ-9 in shock as Metal Sonic looks at MJ-9, and pulls his old tape-recorder from his hammer space.
Metal Sonic's old Tape Recorder: (MJ-9) BEEP BOOP.
MJ-9's eyes widen as she looks at Metal Sonic, who is mouthlessly smirking.
Metal Sonic: This used to be my only source of a voice other than Beep's and Boop's... Just like you.
MJ-9 looks at Metal Sonic, the hand she's using to hold Metal by his neck both shaking and loosening.
Metal Sonic: I used to be like you... did you know that...?
MJ-9 glares at Metal Sonic as her eyes glow brighter.
Metal Sonic: I'm not lying... I used to be just like you. Voiceless, Obedient, Loyal, and, secretly fearful.
MJ-9's hand loosens more as her irises shrink, and her eyes widen, the glow fading as her irises go duller.
Metal Sonic: You wanna know what changed?
At this point, MJ-9 has let go of Metal Sonic, allowing him to stand up.
Metal Sonic: I met a nice Teenage Robot named Jenny Wakeman, the girl you're based off of... She showed me; taught me, that I didn't have to be like that...
MJ-9 starts to tear up as Metal Sonic walks away, slowly regaining more composure. Before Metal Sonic finishes walking back to his allies, he turns and looks back at MJ-9 and speaks again.
Metal Sonic: You don't have to be like this, you know... You can be a nice person, and so can Shard... Think about that... Ok?

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