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ACT 2:

The camera slowly returns as we see a shot of Metal Sonic explaining the situation to our heroes.
Metal Sonic: Ok, here's the basic rundown. I was chasing sonic here in the Stardust Speedway for, like, the 4th, maybe 5th or 6th time...
Our heroes Nod as Metal Sonic pauses for a moment, projecting the Stardust Speedway onto a wall.
Sonic the Hedgehog: Alright...
Melody: Then what happened?
Metal Sonic lets out a semi confused sigh.
Metal Sonic: Well, a ring portal opened that was, sparking, for some odd reason, and so me and Sonic began to race towards it.
The Scene transitions back to the shot from Season 1, Episode 6c, Metal Madness, only from Metal Sonic and Sonic's Perspective.
Metal Sonic: Sonic and I raced as fast as we possibly could, but Sonic made it to the Ring Portal and leapt through to Angel Island Zone.
We see Sonic Leap through the Portal and land on Angel Island.
Sonic the Hedgehog: I remember that.
We cut back to the Shot of Sonic leaping through the Sparking Ring Portal, only we Follow Metal Sonic as he jumps through and Lands in Jenny's world.
Metal Sonic: However, when I jumped through, it suddenly changed to Jenny's Backyard, and I wound up here in this universe as the Portal Closed but didn't disappear.
We see the Ring Portal's Image Disappear, leaving an abnormally large Ring to fall onto the Ground for Nora to drag back into the house.
Nora Wakeman: I can confirm, that did indeed happen.
The flashback transitions seamlessly back into the Present Day as Metal Sonic paces a bit.
Metal Sonic: I presumed I was trapped on this side, but given the fact that Eggman is here, not to mention Sonic, Amy, Tails, Knuckles, and Shadow...
Metal Sonic looks back to our heroes with an Incredulous look on his face.
Metal Sonic: I believe that I can safely conclude that I was copied.
Metal Sonic's eyes close as our heroes look at him.
Jenny Wakeman: Wait, then...
Everyone, including Metal Sonic, looks at Jenny.
Jenny Wakeman: Which one are you Metal?
Metal Sonic sighs as he looks at Jenny.
Metal Sonic: I don't think It matters Jenny. I'm still me as much as that Metal Sonic is also me.
Amy Rose: I think that Makes sense...
Metal Sonic nods.
Sonic the Hedgehog: So, what now?
Metal Sonic shrugs.
Metal Sonic: Your friends and my family and comrades should go patrol, if this is the Eggman we know, he's not always a man of empty threats.
Amy, Knuckles, Shadow, Tails, Jenny, Vega, Melody, and Misty all nod.
Metal Sonic: We'll stay here and work on finding out how You and your friends got here without being copied like Eggman, Shard, Orbot, Cubot, and myself.
Misty: Sounds like a plan to me...
Shadow the Hedgehog: Agreed, we need to find out how this happened, don't we?
Metal Sonic looks at Shadow.
Metal Sonic: I agree with that Sentiment, for a wise man once said, "Call it Fate, call it luck, call it Karma, I believe that everything happens for a reason."
Everyone nods, gets up, and leaves, except for Nora.
Nora Wakeman: I'll stay behind and help the fox with the Ring Portal Scans.
Metal Sonic: Thank you Mom~!
Nora smiles and nods.
Nora Wakeman: You're welcome, Metal~!
Nora leaves as the camera transitions to Eggman as he looks at the Monitor again, only to turn and see Shard, calmly, leaning against the wall.
Dr. Eggman: (Angry and Confused) Shard?!
Shard calmly, and smugly, looks at Eggman as he gets up and walks towards him.
Dr. Eggman: (Angry and Confused) What are you doing here?! I thought you were leading the Invasion!
Shard lets out a Chuckle.
Shard: I am leading the Invasion Doctor, I'm just not really there...
Dr. Eggman: What?
Eggman walks towards the monitor and pushes a button, causing the camera to shift to the Drop Ship, showing that Shard is indeed on it.
Smytus: That's impossible!
Vexus, Smytus, and Dr. Eggman all turn to look at Shard.
Vexus: How are you there and here?!
Shard chuckles as he looks at Vexus.
Shard: Simple, the one that's there is a fake~!
Vexus, Smytus, and Eggman's eyes widen as the screen transitions back to the living room of the Wakeman family household, where we see Metal Sonic pacing back and forth in the room, semi-impatiently, seemingly worried about something. Sonic Taps his foot impatiently as he watches Metal Sonic do this for 3 seconds before speaking up.
Sonic the Hedgehog: What are you doing Metal?
Metal Sonic turns to look at Sonic as he stops pacing for a few moments.

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