PART 13: Some Trivia, Fun Facts, and Easter Eggs.

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(Disclaimer: These Trivia, Fun Fact, and Easter Egg Pieces are all made in the Sense that this was an Actual Episode and/or movie, also, Spoiler warning, as some of these References are of recent videos from other shows that haven't been completed yet.)




The Story, if it were a movie, is full of trivia and Fun Facts, so let's explore some of them, shall we~?


SA#1.) In the Background of Cluster Prime, you can see Zeena and Zohr from Sonic Lost World behind Omni, referencing my Sonic Adventure 3 Story.
SA#2.) As Sonic runs through Green Hill Zone, it is shot in the Same Way Modern Sonic's Green Hill Zone run Was.
#3 & Knuckles.) The Credits, once again, are shot in a similar fashion to the SMCU (<-Sonic Movie Cinematic Universe) Main End Credits are Shot.
#4.) Eggman screaming I hate that Hedgehog is a direct reference to the Sonic Cartoons of the late 1900's and/or 20th century.
#5.) A lot of these Scenes Reference past moments in Sonic History, such as Eggman's Speech about Sonic to Smytus and Vexus, Eggman Screaming, "I HATE THAT HEDGEHOG," Sonic Boom being overclocked Metal Sonic's theme, etc.
#06.) The Ring Portal that Sonic and his friends, and shadow, came through is a permanent Glitch in the Prime Universal Matrix that Allowed for Metal Sonic to arrive in Jenny's universe, and is also the last one.
#7.) MJ-9's tape recorder calls back to the Days that Metal Sonic had a Tape-Recorder as a Voice-Box during the Series, in case that wasn't already obvious.
#8.) The Ultimate Forms of Sonic, Metal Sonic, and Co. are all a result of all of the Energy of all of the Emeralds, Stones, and Rings at once, as well as the Phantom Ruby Prototype Shards, again, in case it wasn't already obvious
#9.) Originally, the Sonic in this Movie was supposed to be Sonic in-between the Classic/genesis era and the Adventure era, but this was ultimately scrapped.
#10.) The Reason Shadow went Ultimate was due to the intense Chaos Energy coming from our Heroes' ultimate forms.
#11.) Among the Voices, you can hear Maria Robotnik the Hedgehog, SNT, Nicole, Zeena, Zohr, the rest of the Deadly Six, Silver, Blaze, and everyone else who has helped and/or been helped and/or made better by our heroes, even some of the Custom Heroes.
#12.) The Ultimate Forms are a reference to Ultimate Calamity Anne from Amphibia, as two is the Space battle.
#13.) Metal and Shard's battle has some references to Shadow and Sonic's Boss fight.
#14.) Metal Sonic teaching MJ-9 to be a hero is a reversal of Roles to Jenny teaching Metal Sonic how to be a hero.
#15.) Vega finally made good on her oath and locked away Vexus, Smytus, and Krakus away in Cluster Primes most Secure Prison.
#16.) Come A Little Bit Closer playing the Second Badnik battle is a reference to Guardians of the Galaxy 2's Prison Break-out Scene.
#17.) Tails flying the Tornado is incredibly similar to the Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Vs Knuckles, AKA the 2nd live-action animation hybrid Sonic Movie.
#18.) Once again, the panning shot of all of our heroes as they destroy the badniks, both times, is a reference to the MCU Avengers movies.
#19.) This movie takes place 2-3 months after the Events of the end of Season 3, which is why Melody isn't wearing her Iconic Dress.
#20.) Vega proposing to Jenny is due to the fact that, as mentioned in #19.) This Movie takes place 2-3 months after the End of season 3.
#21.) Once Again, Eggman lost when he thought he had finally defeated sonic.
#22.) Vexus and Smytus know to Fear Eggman because, over time, he's managed to prove what he's capable of.
#23.) Tails geeking out about XJ-4 and XJ-6 is, obviously, because he's an inventor and Engineer, which is also why him and Nora get along so well.
#24.) Mecha Sonic attacks knuckles not only because he was called to do so, but also because of his previous Encounter with Knuckles in Sonic & Knuckles' Knuckles Storyline, in which Knuckles beats Mecha Sonic 2.0/Mk 2.
#25.) Another Reference to Amphibia is made during the Super Scenes, in which our Heroes all get upgraded-ish looks, just like the Calamity Trio did in The Hardest Thing.

#26.) The intro of this Movie is Reminiscent of The Intro's to both parts of Sonic Colors' Rise of the Wisps.
#27.) Tangle and Whisper help with Set Production during the in combined universe(s) equivalent to the Movie, which is why they can also be heard cheering on our heroes.
#28.) The End of the Movie References, exactly, the End of Sonic Heroes.
#29.) The Villains monologues during the Final Battle is reminiscent of Metal Overlords Battle Speech during his final boss battle.
#30.) The Same Cluster Prime References from before all return here.
#31.) Most, if not all, of the Characters from the Previous Movie play a larger role here than they did in the past, much like Characters in the SAW franchise.
#32.) Our Heroes Chaos Controlling Vexus and Smytus to them is due to the fact that Chaos Control can pull people from places as well as it can send people to places.
#33.) Shadow is calmer and more collected here than edgy, being Moreso like his Sonic Adventure 2-Sonic 06 self, which is things most people wish Sega would do now/today.
#34.) Metal Sonic Racing with Sonic calls back most, if not all, of their Battles in the Past, Except for Sonic Triple Trouble.
#35.) Metal Sonic saying, "So, Cocky as usual, I see?" Is a reference to the YouTube poop Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Robotnik saying, "Snooping as Usual, I see?"
#36.) Jenny and Vega were dating Between the End of Season 3 and this Movie, which is what led to Vega's Proposal.
#37.) Sheldon and MJ-9 are going to be dating in the Future, instead of Sheldon and Jenny.
#38.) Metal Sonic becoming Overclocked is similar to Captain America's, "I can do this all day."
#39.) Shard asking Metal Sonic how he keeps fighting is, in fact, a JoJo reference.
#40.) Our Heroes' Ultimate Forms make all of them act similar to a Hive-Mind.
#41.) Metal Sonic Ships Sonamy, AKA Sonic X Amy Rose.
#42.) Originally, MJ-9 was supposed to show up sooner than this movie, but that was changed by yours truly because of the fact that the appearance, in this movie, had to be special.
#43.) Metal Sonic and Sonic reconciling in the Ending Scene is Reminiscent to Sonic and Tails' Reconciliation in the comic in Which they fight, but less emotional.
#44.) Tangle and Whisper will appear in a Season 4 episode.
#45.) Eggman will return, but he will eventually loose come the end of season 4 or 5.
#46.) Amy and Melody, during the Hero Battle Scene, have similar Outfits, which is due to the fact that they are more similar.
#47.) Amy Rose's portrayal is more similar to the Archie, and/or IDW, comics, in which she's not completely a yandere when it comes to Sonic.
#48.) Rouge appears alongside E-123 Omega on Cluster Prime, Alongside Gamerl, the Eviler Emerl, and Shade the Echidna.
#49.) The Ostrich bots from Sonic Forces appear on Cluster Prime with Maria Robotnik the Hedgehog from the SonicSong182 channel's Ask the Sonic Heroes.
#50.) The Final Battles final scene is reminiscent to the Ending of Nazo Unleashed, the Fanmade Sonic Movie, based on the Games, in which Nazo goes up against Hyper Shadic, AKA Sonic and Shadow's Fusion.

Now then, go on and find more of these. What? You didn't think I'd reveal them all like last time, did you?

(In other words, please feel free to leave your own trivia, fun facts, and easter eggs you think would be in this movie in the comments down below~!)

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