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The camera returns as we see Vexus and Smytus being locked up in the same cell as Krakus on Cluster Prime by Drab, Tuff, and Shell.
Drab: Get used to that Cell, you're going to be in it for the rest of your warranties!
Tuff: Yeah.
Drab, Tuff, and Shell all walk away as Vexus, Krakus, and Smytus all groan in anger and annoyance as the scene fades into another one. This scene shows Brad and Tuck as they enter the Wakeman family household as our heroes look at them all, Metal Sonic, Jenny, Vega, and Melody all finishing their recharge cycles as they Unplug themselves.
Metal Sonic: Hey guys, good to see you're alright~!
Brad and Tuck both smile as they give their friends and allies a hug. We hear Sonic's voice as the screen transitions to one of the Ring Portal him and his friends, and ally, came through.
Sonic the Hedgehog: There's still one thing I don't understand about all of this.
Sonic looks at Metal Sonic, who looks back at him.
Sonic the Hedgehog: How come we weren't copied when we went through the ring portal?
Metal Sonic chuckles as he looks at Sonic before placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
Metal Sonic: Well, I think the Master Emeralds of our worlds had something to do with it.
Metal Sonic shows a display of the Ring portal's systems.
Metal Sonic: Since the Chaos Emeralds can summon ring portal's, it's not too far-fetched to believe that, maybe, they contacted each other to open this portal permanently.
Knuckles, confused, turns and looks at Metal Sonic.
Metal Sonic: But why would they do that?
Metal Sonic looks at Knuckles with a mouthless smirk.
Metal Sonic: They knew that our worlds were in danger, and so they acted accordingly. Tikal and Chaos are both omnipotent after all~!
Knuckles nods as we cut to a shot of Tails as he shakes Nora's Hand.
Tails the Fox: I'll be sure to come and visit again sometime~!
Nora Wakeman: I'll be looking forward to it Mr. Prower~!
Tails laughs happily as he flies towards Sonic as we cut to another Shot, this one of Melody and Amy as they share a hug.
Melody: It was very nice to meet you Amy~! Sorry again for the rude meeting~!
Amy laughs.
Amy Rose: It's fine Melody~! Just don't forget to come visit, ok~?
Melody smiles and nods.
Melody: I'll be sure to do so~!
Amy waves goodbye to Melody as she goes to join Sonic and his friends as we cut to yet another shot, this one of Shadow as him and Misty both calmly shake hands.
Shadow: Good luck, shadow girl...
Misty chuckles and Nods.
Misty: Same to you, emo hedgehog...
Misty and Shadow both let out a laugh before Shadow goes to rejoin Sonic and co as the camera cuts to a scene of Sonic and his friends walking back through the portal to their world as Metal Sonic approaches sonic.
Metal Sonic: Sonic, one last thing...
Sonic turns to look at Metal Sonic, who extends his hand out to him, calmly.
Metal Sonic: I know you have no reason to trust the other me, but I can assure you, I'm not like him.
Sonic looks at Metal Sonic, semi confused.
Metal Sonic: What I'm trying to say is, let's let bygones be bygones, you and I at least.
Sonic smiles and Shakes Metal Sonic's hand.
Sonic the Hedgehog: Sure thing, Metal~!
Sonic looks back at Metal Sonic as he gets ready to run through the portal.
Sonic the hedgehog: You and your friends take care now, alright~?
Metal Sonic gives a thumbs up as he looks at Sonic.
Metal Sonic: We will Sonic, take care~!
Sonic nods as he runs through the Portal as Metal Sonic smiles before turning to look back at his friends and family.
Metal Sonic: Alright, guys! It's time we got started on a search for Eggman and fix the real world we all live in~!
All the members of Team Robot, minus Metal Sonic all nod and cheer. Metal Sonic's Main group leaps down the Hill as they get on their boards, just like in the opening shot of the movie, only this Time, Melody doesn't Scream.
Metal Sonic (Narrator): And that's the story of what happened those 3 days~!
Vanny Wakeman: Wow, it sounds really cool~!
The Narrator Metal Sonic chuckles as we See team robot riding down the slope.
Metal Sonic (Narrator): Agreed~!

Metal Sonic: Alright! Our next adventure awaits us, so there's no time to waste!
Jenny Wakeman: YEAH-HA~!!!
Main 5 Members of team Robot: WE'RE TEAM ROBOT~!!!
Our heroes all leap towards the screen and strike a pose before the screen fades to black.



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Mid-Credits Scene:

Vega nervously coughs as she knocks the door to Jenny's room, blushing.
Vega: J-Jenny... Can I come in~?
Jenny Wakeman: Sure thing~!
Vega, still blushing, but calmer, enters Jenny's room and sits down on Jenny's bed next to her as She looks at Vega.
Jenny Wakeman: What is it Vega?
Vega: W-Well...
Vega looks at Jenny, placing her hand over Jenny's.
Vega: W-We've been dating for a full year, maybe a bit less or more than that, now and-...
Jenny Wakeman: And what?
Vega takes a deep breath and gets up, letting go of Jenny's hand as she does so before turning around and kneeling in front of Jenny.
Vega: You're everything to me... You're the apple in my eye... and the girl of my dreams...
Jenny blushes as Vega reaches into her hammer space.
Vega: No matter what, I want to be there, by your side Jenny~...!
Jenny Blushes more as Vega looks into her eyes.
Vega: W-What I'm trying to ask is... J-Jenny Wakeman...
Vega pulls out a small box as Jenny keeps blushing, covering her mouth.
Vega: W-Will you make me one of the happiest Robots in the Galaxy...
Vega opens the box, revealing an Engagement ring, causing Jenny to gasp.
Vega: And be my wife?
Jenny starts to cry tears of pure joy as she looks at Vega and gives her a tight hug.
Jenny Wakeman: YES~!!!
Vega starts to cry tears of Joy as she puts the ring on Jenny's finger and kisses her bride-to-be happily, Jenny kissing back. The Camera then cuts to a scene of Metal Sonic as his eyes widen.
Metal Sonic: Why do I feel So happy?
The Camera cuts to a Shot of Vexus in her cell.
Vexus: Why do I feel so angry?



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We see Eggman as he storms into his Lab in a blind rage as Orbot and Cubot look at him in fear as they hide. Dr. Eggman walks across a platform towards a chair as he sits down in it. 
Dr. Eggman: Sonic. How I hate him. And my own creation that Betrayed me. I swear on my life that I-...
Orbot: Boss, are you-?
Dr. Eggman: I-...
Cubot: Uh, oh... he's about to say it!
Dr. Eggman: I-!!!
Orbot and Cubot both hide behind one of the Capsules as Eggman yells out an all-to-famous-line.

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