Chapter Two: The Arcade

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It's been two week since I started school at Hawkins High School and joined the Hellfire club. Chrissy and I had started hanging out outside of school together, bringing me along on trips to the local mall or movies despite the obvious disapproval of her friends and boyfriend, Jason.

I was growing closer with all the guys from the Hellfire club as well. Dustin and I got along like brother and sister. Mike and Lucas got all my Star Wars jokes. Gareth, Jeff, and Jake started stopping by Crash's Comic's to take advantage of the friend's discount I offered them.

Eddie was a completely different story. I can never tell if he's flirting or is just flirty in general or if he was actually looking at me before I glanced over at him. It didn't help that every time he said my name my heart skipped a beat, or how he looks at me to watch me laugh at the "devil face" he makes in pictures and to freak out Jason.

It was a Friday evening after a pretty stressful week of tests and I was missing the creature comforts I had in Boston, a couple grams of grass specifically. So it was just my luck when Eddie pulled out a spliff while we were sitting on a picnic table in the woods near the school. He lit it and took a drag, looking at me and gesturing to the lit object in his hand.

"You're a life saver, Eddie Munson!" We both laughed as I took the spliff from him.

"Hey, so I was thinking, you know there's this popular arcade in town and its got a lot of great games like Zaxxon and Dragon's lair and I was wondering if you'd wanna come with me?" Eddie was stumbling over his words and blushing slightly as he tried to seem casual. I giggled at his attempt to hide his nervousness.

"That sounds great, when we're you thinking of going?" I could feel the slight blush rising to my cheeks.

"Tonight." He blurted out.


"Or we can go another time! That's totally cool-"

"No, tonight is perfect!"

"Ok, awesome, great!" He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, "See you at 6?"

"I'll see you then." I smiled, waving him goodbye as I left for home.

I threw myself onto my bed when I got home, rushing past my dad to hide my bright red face. I had never actually been asked in a date before, if that was what this is. Sure I'd hung out with people before and I had partners, but I'd never been asked out on a planned date. Again, if that's what this is.

I rummaged through my closet, making an absolute mess of my room as I tried on different outfits in my mirror. I combined different clothes and outfit after outfit, I hated them all. It was about an hour later when I finally settled on some patterned pants and a plain tshirt. Just a little statement never hurt anybody.

It was nearing 6pm and I was all ready, half expecting him to regret his decision and not show up. What if I get stood up? No, it's not a date. We're just two friends hanging out. Are we? What if it is a date? What if it is a date and I get stood up?

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a knock on the front door. I rushed to answer the door, but Dad beat me too it. The door opened and the Eddie was, flowers in hand, who's smile quickly faded as he was greeted by the imposing figure that was Dad. Flowers... Oh my god, it was a date?

"Hello." Dad growled, looking him over. I rushed to them, laughing nervously.

"Dad this is Eddie, you remember me talking about him right? We're in the Hellfire club together. I told you we were going to the arcade tonight?" I interjected, trying to defuse the tension.

"Yes, I do remember you telling me about your friend." He answered, his gaze turning to the flowers in Eddie's hands. Shit. I did tell dad he was only a friend. I wasn't expecting him to do something so forward and sweet as bringing me flowers.

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