Chapter Ten: The Make Up

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I agreed to be Dustin's guinea pig for his upcoming science project. Something about electricity and muscle control. All I knew was that he was gonna shock me in different places and see how I'd react. It was getting late and I was about to head home when Dustin's walkie crackled to life.

"Fucking shit I'm such an idiot!" A familiar voice screamed through the static.

"Eddie?" Dustin looked at me, "He doesn't ever radio us. I didn't even know he had one."

"I'm so stupid! Shit! I can't believe I did that. I can't believe I broke up with her. God damn it! She's never gonna take me back!" He yelled.

"I- wait is he talking about you?" Dustin asked me.

"Uh, yeah... It's complicated. Eddie doesn't want to be together cause Jason and his crew jumped us at Lover's Lake." I couldn't look at Dustin while I told him that, it felt like talking to a little brother.

"You guys went to Lover's Lake?" He gasped.

"I'm so stupid. Stupid!" Eddie cried.

"I don't think I've ever heard Eddie this mad before." Dustin was impressed.

"I get one good thing. One! And I blow it!" He kept shouting, this time it sounded like he was crying too. "How am I so stupid? How!"

"So, you guys really went to Lover's Lake. Did you...?" He motioned between me and the walkie.

"God, Dustin. I'm not answering that!" I cringed. "I need to go anyway. Have fun listening to Eddie."

It had been two weeks of Eddie being distant with me since I yelled at him at The Hideout. He wasn't outright ignoring me anymore, but he still wasn't the same as before. I tried not to let it bother me, tried to let it go, but I just couldn't. He really thought not being with me was somehow going to keep me safe, as if I wasn't already a target for Jason and everyone else in Hawkins. Even my dad had been asking where Eddie was.

It was lunch, lately I had been choosing to sit with Chrissy to avoid creating tension with the Hellfire Club. The only downside was having to hear Jason's voice, but at least he wouldn't bother me too much around Chrissy. I couldn't help myself from sneaking glances at Eddie and I swore I could see him looking at me too.

"Why don't you just go confront him?" Chrissy asked.

"I have! He didn't want to hear it." I sighed, I wasn't going to tell Chrissy the truth as to why he didn't want to be with me. I still hadn't told her about what happened at Lover's Lake.

"I think," She began, "That you should match up to him and demand he talk it out, whatever it is."

"What's wrong? Your freak boyfriend broke up with you?" Jason teased, feigning sadness.

"Fuck off, Jason." I snapped.

"Jason, seriously?" Chrissy asked, Jason scoffed in response.

"Whatever, it's probably for the best Hannah." Jason smirked at me, a sinister look in his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, well I'm just saying that he tends to get in a lot of trouble." Jason said with fake innocence. "You wouldn't want to be caught up in that, would you?" I took a deep breath and clenched my fists, I knew something was up.

"It would have been worth it to me." I glared at him as he fought back a smirk. I wasn't gonna let this slide, but I couldn't just jump up on the table and beat the shit out of him in front of Chrissy. So I did the next best thing.

I stood up, staring Jason down as I did. Chrissy tried to ask me what I was doing , but I was already marching towards the Hellfire Club table. Eddie was standing up as he spoke animatedly to the guys. He didn't notice me, or pretended not to, as I stomped up to him. I was right next to him when he finally turned to look at me.

"What do you want-" He couldn't finish his sentence as I grabbed his face and kissed him hard. He stumbled back as I crashed my lips into him, grabbing my waist as we nearly fell over.

"Ugh, gross guys." Mike groaned.

"Finally, but still gross!" Dustin chimed in.

"Nice, Eddie." Garreth chuckled.

"I know Jason said something to you." I whispered in his ear, "And I heard you the other night on Dustin's walkie."

His face turned red. Jason was glaring at us from his tabled while Chrissy was beaming at me. All eyes were on us for a moment, but I didn't care. I wanted everyone to see, I wanted to prove to Eddie I wasn't afraid.

We were out in the woods near the school, Hellfire Club had already ended for the day. We sat together on the picnic table, passing a spliff between us. Neither of us spoke for a while, just enjoying each other's presence. Eddie got up and started walking around, aimlessly kicking at leaves.

"So, uh, you heard what I said the other night..." I nodded, "I'm sorry, for ignoring you. I shouldn't have done that. I was just so afraid of making you a target, but I should have known you could handle yourself." He sighed, coming back to sit by me.

"I understand Eddie. Jason is an asshole, but I'm not afraid of him. Even if I was, I like you too much." I smiled. He wrapped his arm over my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. He ran his free hand through my hair as he kissed me.

"I like you, like uh really like you. I, uh, I want to be with you. Officially, like your boyfriend." He stuttered.

"Are you trying to upgrade from Eddie the Knight to Eddie the Prince?" I giggled.

"I'd be honored, Princess."

"Then I accept your proposal, Prince Eddie."

"Um, I also wanted to ask you something else." He was staring down at his feet, nervously picking at the nail polish on his nails.

"Yes?" I giggled.

"Did- do you want to go to prom with me?" He asked.

"Of course, Eddie. I didn't take you for the prom guy." I blushed.

"Oh, well I'm not really, but I will be for you." I practically threw myself at him when he said this.

"Chrissy's gonna be real excited to find out she'll have an excuse to go dress shopping twice!" I laughed.

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