Chapter Four: The Hideout

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It's fine. Everything's fine. It's just a concert party. They even said that there's no jocks to worry about. So what has me so nervous? I was pacing around in my room, I had tried on at least 4 different outfits since I'd gotten home and Eddie would be here any minute. I'd settled on a Dead Kennedys t-shirt and red flannel over some jeans and a pair of boots.

I was smudging on some eyeliner when I saw it poking out of my closet, Mom's battle jacket. It had been sitting in there forever, I could never bring myself to wear it, but tonight? I think tonight was the night to break that streak. I grabbed the jacket adorned with Metallica, Iron Maiden, and numerous other patches and slipped it over my shoulders. I didn't expect it to feel so... right, like I was born to wear this jacket someday.

I took a final look in the mirror as I heard the front door open. I ran down to the living room to find Eddie and my dad discussing different guitar brands when they noticed me. Dad stopped mid sentence when he saw what I was wearing.

"You..." He looked over the jacket and smiled, "You're mother would be so proud of you, kid, and look at this! Her old jacket fits you like a glove!" He exclaimed, tossing his arm around me and ruffling my hair.

"Dad, come on, I just brushed that." I half laughed half groaned as he let me go.

"You be good tonight, you hear? And be back be 11 or I'll be bury you in the garden and not those seeds." He laughed as he headed upstairs to turn in for the night.

"After you." Eddie said, bowing dramatically as he held the door open for me.

"Why thank you, my lord." I said to him in the best posh voice I could muster.

"Oh my pleasure, my lady." He replied the same. "But I'd argue I'm not proper enough to be Lord, but I can be your Knight."

"Then Sir Eddie the Brave it is."

We drove down to The Hideout, Eddie telling me all about the usual shows they play there on Tuesdays. We arrived and he showed me around inside, introducing me to some of the musicians and frequent guests. He left me with them as he went to set up with his band before the show officially started.

More and more people started piling in as I stood and talked with the other guests, a girl and guy who wouldn't tell me their actual names and insisted everyone called them Skunk and Roadkill. Eddie came back out and stood with us while the first two out of the four bands tonight played before it was his turn.

The lights dimmed and I could hear Eddie opening his band's song with a guitar solo. He looked like a God in front of the small town crowd, playing his guitar as if it were as simple as breathing, fingers working their magic along the strings. The crowd roared and crashed into each other, forming a moshpit in the middle of the crowd.

I pushed my way to the back of the crowd to avoid the mess of clashing bodies that Roadkill and Skunk had now joined. I leaned against the wall of the building, though The Hideout was more of a large shipping container than an actual building, and lost myself in Eddie's performance.

I was snapped out of my trance when someone approached me. A red haired guy in a Slayer t-shirt was now standing next to me and watching the show. He kept glancing over at me, which started to get uncomfortable.

"Hey, I'm Nick." He leaned in and said loud enough to hear over the music.

"I'm Hannah." I said with a half hearted smile. It wasn't like the guy did anything wrong and he certainly wasn't uneasy on the eyes, but I really wasn't in the mood to chat.

"I've never seen you here before." He said, not getting the hint.

"It's my first time."

"Did you come alone?" OK, creepy.

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