Chapter Twenty: The Bloody Handed

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I broke out of my trance, hands trembling. I replayed the memory over and over in my head. Eddie. The Hideout. Corroded Coffin. I knew those names, I recognized those names. Corroded Coffin was Eddie's band. The Hideout was a local underground club.

"Hannah? Hannah are you ok?" Chrissy asked.

"Corroded Coffin.


"Corroded Coffin... Eddie's band."

"Corroded Coffin! How could I forget?" She cried, "Do you remember anything else?"

"Uh, this place called The Hideout? We would go there to party."

"Yes! Yes that's it!"

"Can you... can you tell me more about Eddie?"

"Oh, sure. Eddie plays guitar, he's the guitarist for his band. He has this club, the Hellfire Club. They play this board game. Dungeons and something?"

"Dragons." I blurted out.

"Yes, dragons! Let's see, what else? He... he failed senior year twice. He smokes a ton of grass. He listens to metal music. People call him Eddie the Freak."

"The Knight. Eddie the Knight. I think I called him that, my Knight."

"God, that's cute." She sighed, "How are you feeling?"

"Weird. I have this fluttery feeling in my chest and my legs feel weak."

"Thats love, Hannah." I could almost hear the smirk in her voice.

"So, what now?" I ask.

"Now, we wait. We wait for a chance to betray Henry, to kill him once and for all. When the time comes, you'll focus on this good memories. He will have a harder time manipulating you, but we have to wait. You need to get stronger first."

"How king will this take?"

"As long as it needs."

For the next few months I continued my training under Henry and with Chrissy. I sparred daily, learned to command troops , and meditated. Every day I grew stronger, physically and mentally. I gained more memories, more of myself back, but it still wasn't enough.

"Today, a threat approaches my domain." Haney said, looking out over the red waste. "People from the poisoned world are coming here to disrupt my plans. You will handle them by any means necessary." My feet moved in their own, taking me outside and far from the house.

I was a few miles away from the trailer park. Chrissy was talking to me, trying to break through to me, but I couldn't understand her. It felt like there was a fog surrounding my brain. I could hear and see, but I couldn't understand. My feet stopped in the middle of the dirt road.

"Hannah! Hannah please you need to listen to me!" Chrissy cried, but it was no use.

I could hear clanging coming from inside one of the trailers. There were voices too, two male voices and a female. They were bickering amongst each other as they clumsily moved around. I took a deep breath, I could smell their blood, but I could smell him too.

I waited, a swarm of bats at my command. I kept my hand wrapped tightly around the hilt of my blade. My eyes stayed trained on the door of Eddie's trailer. The door burst open, spilling out Eddie and two others. I recognized the younger boy from my memories, but it was quickly pushed away by Henry's influence.

"So you guys are absolutely sure we don't have to worry about rabies?" The girl asked.

"Robin, for the millionth time, they're not real animals and they don't carry disease." The young boy sounded exasperated.

"Will you too stop it!" The long haired one shouted.

What was his name again? I swear I just new it. Eric? Or was it Freddy? Who was he? I... I don't recognize him. I did, but I don't now. I can only smell them, smell their blood. I hadn't realized how hungry I was. When did I eat last?

I raised my hand up, calling my bats to circle above me. I waved forward, sending a few of them to scout. I watched as my bats flew over the intruders. The long haired one raised a crossbow at them and fired, nearly missing by only a few inches. The other two swung wildly at the bats, smashing them into the ground.

"You're getting good with that, Eddie. I think Hannah would be proud." The younger one said.

"Don't." The long haired one snapped.

They began walking in my direction. I'd send them a couple bats every few minutes to test them. I needed to get a glimpse at their strengths and weaknesses. They fought off the bats with ease. They'd definitely done this before, but they'd never faced me.

I walked towards them, intending on meeting them in the middle. My bats followed me, looking over me like a dark cloud. Chrissy cried as I walked, but there were no tears to bother me. I would do as I was commanded.

"Hey!" One of them shouted. I turned my attention towards them. She had short, red brown hair and wore a beret. She was waving her arms wildly.

"Are you crazy?" The younger one shouted, "You don't know who that is!" I smiled. Smart boy. I raised my hand again, calling my bats to attention.

"Woah, what are they doing?" The girl asked, pointing at me.

I threw my arm forwards and sent my bats to attack. Half of my flock flew forwards, swarming over the intruders. They yelled as they tried to fight them off. The long haired one still hadn't missed a shot. It took a little longer for them to handle the bats this time.

They were prepared, but not well enough. They could fight off some bats, but could they handle a whole swarm? Could they fight off the monsters? Certainly not in the state they were in. No, this would be an easy fight.

"Come down here you coward!" The man screamed, pointing his crossbow at me.

I walked down to meet them, happy to oblige. I let my bats disperse a bit, covering more space over us. I held my sword low by my side, not wanting to come off as an immediate threat right away. I still needed the advantage.

"Holy shit, Hannah?" He asked.

He was stunned, so much so he nearly dropped his crossbow. He looked like he'd seen a ghost. He stepped forward and wobbling legs, trying to approach me. I held out my sword, pointing the tip at his chest.

"Hannah?" I asked, "There is no Hannah here. Now go back the way you came or you can face me." I didn't lower my weapon.

"Princess, please." He whimpered.

"Hannah, come on. We're your friends." The young one said, approaching my right side. I swung my sword around, holding the tip to his throat.

"Woah! Hey, we don't need to do that!" The girl said nervously.

"Hannah..." The man had moved closer, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I backed up quickly. How had I allowed him to get so close? I should have heard him, smelled him, that's when I realized I could smell him. I smelled him everywhere, it was all I could smell.


A moment of clarity washed over me. I knew him, I knew all of them. I stumbled backwards, terrified of being close enough to hurt them. I almost dropped my sword, Chrissy, Chrissy whose in my sword. I was panicking, my memories were slipping away as fast as they came.

"You need to go. Go!" I barked, raising my hand to recall my bats.

"No, no! Hannah, please!" Eddie cried, but it was too late. A swarm of bats descended upon me and I was gone.

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