Chapter Five: The Campaign

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It was my lunch period on Wednesday, the one I shared with Chrissy. I grabbed my lunch from the cafeteria and made my way over to our usual lunch table. I sat my food down between Chrissy and I, who like usual, didn't have a lunch. I motioned for her to take some fries from my tray as she rolled her eyes.

"You gotta eat, Chrissy." I said through bites of food. She sighed and picked up a fry, eating slowly before becoming more and more entranced by the shitty school fries.

"Thanks, Hannah." She mumbled, trying and failing to secretly wrap her fingers around her wrists.

"Chrissy, you gotta stop that. You're gonna starve yourself to death." I said with concern.

"Yeah, I know. Enough about me, tell me about last night!" She quickly changed the subject, which didn't sit right with me.


"I don't want to talk about it." She said, a little snappier than usual.

"Ok, I won't push." I said, putting my hands up in defeat. "Eddie and his band, Corroded Coffin, played at The Hideout last night. It was a pretty good show with a bigger crowd than I expected. Some dick kept bothering me during Eddie's set and when I finally snapped on the guy, he grabbed me."

"Oh my god."

"Yeah, right?! So I'm about to say something to him, when out of nowhere Eddie comes up behind us and tells the guy off. Well, the guy wouldn't quit so Eddie gave him a mean right hook."

"I would have paid to see that." She laughed.

"Then..." I trailed off.

"Then...?" Chrissy looked at me.

"We went for a smoke outside and he kissed me."

"Hannah!" Chrissy exclaimed.

"But he was definitely drunk and it was probably just an accident!" I rushed out.

"Was that the only time?"

"Well, technically no. He kissed my cheek goodbye, but that was it!"

"HANNAH!" She exclaimed even louder, looking at me like I was crazy. "You're seriously questioning this?"

"That's... actually not the only thing either." I mumbled, Chrissy looked at me questioningly. I leaned in a whispered to her what Eddie had said to me after we kissed. Her face turned just as red as mine was as she giggled.

"Oh, Hannah he's so into you. How could you even question that for a second?"

"Well what am I supposed to do about it? What if it doesn't work out and then there's a bunch of awkward tension between us? It's not like I could avoid him, we have all the same friends!"

"You never know unless you try." Chrissy sang. Dammit, she was right.

School ended and the Hellfire Club meeting began. I took a couples deep breaths as I prepared myself to walk into the storage room, I'd hesitated outside the door long enough. I walked in to see everyone already set up as I plopped myself down in my seat. I awkwardly tried to avoid looking at Eddie, but kept sneaking looks at him only find him doing the same to me.

Dustin seemed to notice the awkward tension as he kept looking back and forth between us. Things only got more tense when it was my characters turn to have the spotlight on them. This was such bad timing. Her personal quest was to slay her evil betrothed, Stend, so she could avenge her true love, a wood elf named Durothil that Goren had met while travelling with her companions.

"Goren arrives at the King's hut, the hut of her father, in Frutzii to meet her betrothed. She enters the hut to find Stend, the leader of the warriors who had caused the death of Durothil in an attempt to kidnap Goren and take her back to Frutzii. He sits at the fire with her father, Jund, discussing the plans for your wedding. They notice your arrival and Jund stands to wrap you in a hug." Eddie paints the scene for us the way a master storyteller would, "Jund informs you that your wedding will be later that evening at sunset, when he says this, you notice Stend tense. What do you do?"

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