Chapter Six: The Second Date

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It's Friday, my second date with Eddie was tonight. I was beyond nervous, even though the reasonable part of me knew I didn't need to be. I was sitting at my kitchen table, legs bouncing wildly, as I waited for Eddie to show. It was 5:45, I was starting to get even more worried. He wouldn't just blow me off, would he?

"Hannah, your boyfriend's pulling in now." My dad called from the living room.

"He's not," I began to call back, "Oh whatever."

"Be good this weekend, I'm trusting you." My dad said as we hugged goodbye. Eddie waved at me from the drivers seat as I walked outside and ran up to the car.

"Good evening, Princess." He smiled, leaning in and kissing me softly.

"Good evening, my loyal Knight." I beamed.

We drove down to The Hawk, Eddie held open my door and bowed dramatically. His hand found mine as we walked into the movie theater. We got our tickets and snacks before finding our seats. After a few minutes of trailers the movie finally began.

It was a horror comedy about zombies, as the name suggested. It wasn't very scary, but there were a few times that made me jump from surprise. Each time, Eddie would squeeze me with his arms wrapped around my shoulders and waist. The movie ended and Eddie suggested we head down to the lake, Lover's Lake to be exact, to smoke and stargaze.

We walked from his car to our secluded spot near the edge of the lake. Eddie brought a blanket for us to sit on and spread it out along the ground. We laid down together as he lit the solid he'd packed, watching the stars peak out from the dark sky. Our free hands intertwined as he pointed out the different constellations to me.

"The night skies in Boston were never this clear." I sighed happily, taking in the full beauty of the cosmos above us.

"I'm glad I get to share these moments with you." Eddie whispered, rolling over to look at me.

"I'm glad I get to share them with you, Eddie Munson." I whispered back, almost afraid that if I kept saying it aloud, I might jinx our tender moment.

Eddie ran his fingers along my jaw, tilting my chin up to him. His eyes scanned over my face before landing on my lips. He pulled my chin forward and kissed me with a new kind of fire. My hand reached up to brush through his wild hair, using the other to play with his necklace. His own hands moved to rub my back and come to rest on my hips. Suddenly, he pulled me to him and rolled us over so I was sitting on his lap.

"Hey!" A familiar and annoying voice shouted. Eddie and I pulled our faces away from each other to see Jason and his goons walking through the woods towards us.

"Can't you see we're a little busy here, Jason?" Eddie taunted as he helped me stand up.

"What were you doing out here with her?" Jason asked, nodding towards me.

"What do you think, asshole?" I sneered.

"Well," Jason clapped, "I certainly am happy for you two! I mean, who else are the two freaks going to fuck besides each other?"

"Chrissy, probably." I spit at Jason. His eyes went wide as he turned to stare at me. "Unless, I already have..."

"You take that back you fucking whore!" Jason roared, rushing at me. I readied myself for him to slam into me, only for Eddie to jump in the way and grab Jason.

"Don't." Eddie snarled, shoving Jason back.

Jason muttered something about me and Chrissy before swinging at Eddie. Eddie caught his fist and hit him. The two really started to fight, Jason's fist connected with Eddie's nose, pissing him off more. When it seems like Jason was about to really get it, his friends jumped in to hang up on Eddie.

"No!" I cried, watching as they all started to throw punches at Eddie.

I looked around, knowing I wouldn't be able to fight them off bare handed. I found a long tree branch in the brush near me and grabbed it. I rushed forward and swung the branch, connecting with the back of one of the jock's necks. I swung again, this time hitting someone else in the stomach.

Jason turned his attention from Eddie to me, now wildly swinging around this branch. He came up behind me as I was about to hit his friend and grabbed the branch. I landed a hard blow to his knees with my left foot as his friend struck me hard in the face. I dropped the tree branch as I stumbled back, Jason having already let go of me since I kicked him. I was about to grab the branch again when it was pulled from me.

I looked up to see Eddie holding the branch and stalking towards Jason, Jason's friend already on the ground. Eddie lifted the branch up and brought it down hard across Jason's face, so hard the branch itself snapped. There was a sickening crack as Jason's nose began to pour blood all over his letterman jacket.

"Don't you ever, ever, fucking touch her again or I swear Jason I will kill you." Eddie barked as Jason scrambled to his feet, already running off to reconnect with his goons.

"It's not over, freak." He sniveled as he ran away.

"Hannah, are you alright?" He asked, "Your lip is bleeding." He swiped his thumb across my bottom lip, wiping the blood off with it. I was about to thank him when my breath caught in my throat at the sight of him sucking my blood of his thumb.

"I'm- I'm alright." I gulped, "You're the one who's bruised." I said, gently brushing my fingers along his darkening cheek.

"Ah, I've gotten worse." He smiled, "I'm just glad you're ok."

"So uh, my dad isn't going to be home for the weekend..." I trailed off.


"And this means I don't have a curfew." I said innocently.

"Ah, I see." Eddie smirked.

"You see what?" I blushed.

"Well, it's obvious. My Lady will be alone for the weekend with no Knight by her side! Have no fear Princess, Eddie the Brave will keep you safe." He laughed just as hard as I did when he was done.

"I certainly would feel much safer with such a strong and handsome Knight to protect me." I purred.

"Strong and handsome?" He asked with surprise.

"Have you looked in a mirror lately?"

"Only the reflection of your eyes."

"That was... really bad." I giggled.

"Yeah, I realized that once I said it."

Wrapped Around Your Finger - Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now