Chapter Thirteen: The Convicts

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Eddie grabbed me and pulled me out the door. We ran to his van, freaking out as he tried to start it. We were both panicking, what the fuck happened? That wasn't normal, that wasn't human. I was sobbing as Eddie sped out of the trailer park.

"Where are we going?" I asked between sobs.

"Reefer Rick's. He's in jail right now, the place will be empty." His voice was shaking hard.

We drove for what felt like forever before we got to Rick's. Eddie parked his van close to the house and we rushed to the door. He kicked over a rock and grabbed the spare key, hands trembling as he unlocked the door.

"Eddie what the hell happened? What do we do?" I sobbed. "Chrissy, she's dead. She's dead. My best friend." Eddie rushed over and hugged me tightly.

"I know, baby, I know. I don't know what happens, we're just gonna hide out here. Ok? Hide here until we figure out what to do." He shushed me, holding me as I cried into his shoulder.

We were here for a day before we heard a car pull up. We bolted from the house to the boathouse on the dock. Eddie took out his knife and lifted the tarp on one of the boats for us to hide. I shook violently in his arms as we waited.

We heard footsteps approach the boathouse. We're screwed, we're so screwed. I buried my face into Eddie's chest as if I could hide. I could hear voices, but couldn't make out what they were saying over the sound of blood rushing in my ears. Suddenly Eddie jumped out and pinned the intruder to the wall while I screamed.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait!" The person yelled, it was Steve Harrington. What was he doing here?

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Eddie! Eddie! Stop! Eddie! Eddie! It's me. It's Dustin. This is Steve. He's not gonna hurt you, right, Steve?" Dustin appeared next to us, Steve agreed with him.

"Why don't we put the knife away, Eddie." I said, placing my hand in his shoulder. Eddie looked at me as I begged him with my eyes. He slowly lowered his knife and let go of Steve.

"What are you doing here?" Eddie asked.

"We're here to help." Dustin explained.

"You don't think we're murderers or anything? You're not gonna drag us to the cops?" I looked at them.

"No, not at all!" Dustin answered. "We know what you're going through, kinda." Dustin introduced the group to Eddie and I.

"Why don't you explain what happened." Mac said. Eddie and I started explaining, taking turns and sometimes speaking over each other.

"Her body just, like, lifted up into the air and, uh... And she just, like, hung there. In the air. And her bones... Uh, she..." He whimpered, "Her bones started to snap."

"Her eyes. Her eyes just popped out, like something just pushed them out from inside her head. And her jaw, it just cracked and the blood was everywhere." I sobbed.

"We... I didn't know what to do, so I... I ran away. I left her there." He scoffed, "You must think we're crazy."

"No we believe you." Dustin said. "Look, what I'm about to tell you might be a little... difficult to take. Okay. You know how people say Hawkins is cursed? They're not way off, there's another world. A world hidden beneath Hawkins. Sometimes it bleeds into ours."

"Like ghosts and shit?" I asked.

"There are some things worse than ghosts. These monsters from this other world, we thought they were gone, but they've come back before. That's why we needed to find you. If they're back again, we need to know." Dustin explained.

"That night, did you see anything? Dark particles, maybe? It would almost look like dust, swirling dust." Robin asked.

"No, no man. Nothing to see or touch." Eddie answered, "You know we tried to wake her, man. She wouldn't move! It was like she was in a trance or something."

"Or under a spell." Dustin said.

"A curse." Eddie corrected.

"Vecna's curse."

"What are they talking about?" Steve asked.

"It's a Dungeons and Dragons thing." I replied, pinching the bridge of my nose.

The gang left Eddie and I here, saying they'd be back soon. They left us with a walkie talkie so we could keep in touch with each other. We'd been waiting for days when we started running out of food. There were only so many books we could read, channels we could watch, and nights spent in each other's arms to keep us occupied.

We were getting hungry and antsy, we couldn't hide here forever. At least Eddie managed to find a walkman and some tapes. At least Black Sabbath could keep me entertained for a time. Sooner or later Hawkins PD would find us and we'd never see the light of day again.

"I can't imagine what my dad must be thinking right now." I said, staring out the window at the lake.

"I'm sorry, Princess. I'm so sorry you got dragged into this. This is my fault. Jason was right, it's not safe for you to be with me." He started to cry. I rushed over and captured his face in my hands.

"Eddie Munson, I'd go through Hell and back if I had to in order to be with you." I wiped the tears falling down his cheeks. "I can't imagine living without you."

"I love you, Hannah." He whispered, almost afraid to say it. "I really do."

"I love you too." I smiled, pulling him in for a kiss.

It was a few hours later when we heard a car pull up. I walked over to the window, thinking it might be Dustin and everyone, but I was wrong. I saw Lucas, but along with him was Jason and his crew. Shit.

"Eddie, we gotta hide! It's Jason!" I whispered. Eddie's head snapped up, he grabbed my hand and we snuck out to the boat house.

"Hey Dustin? It's us, Hannah and Eddie. We kinda need some help now!" I whisper shouted into the walkie talkie. We could hear them enter the main house, they'd check here soon enough.

"Princess, we gotta go." Eddie said, throwing the tarp off the boat and jumping in. We pushed the boat out the boathouse and tried to get the engine going.

"Just come on... You scared of some water? Let's go! piece of shit! Come on. Gotta help me out here, man. Come on. Come on, you piece of shit! Come on! Goddamn it! Nope? Okay. All right. Okay, shit, shit."

Eddie was panicking as he tried to get the engine to start, which only sputtered in response. Jason and his friends had spotted us and were trying to swim out to us. We grabbed our oars and tried to row away, until Jason paused.

"Patrick? Patrick!" He yelled. I looked up to see Patrick's body floating in the air.

Just like Chrissy, his bones snapped and bent. His eyes popped and his body fell into the lake as we all screamed. Eddie and I dove into the water and started swimming. While everyone was preoccupied with Patrick, we managed to escape.

It was freezing as we ran through the woods. My soaked clothes clung too my skin. We broke the walkie talkie when we had to jump in the lake. We were completely out of breath by the time we reached Skull Rock. We managed to steal a new walkie on the way here. We sat in the safety of Skull Rock.

"What are we gonna do now?" I whispered, shaking in his arms. Eddie took off his jacket and draped it over my shivering body.

"I don't know. We'll figure something out, Dustin will have to find us." He answered. With everything soaked, we didn't have a working lighter to get a fire going. We laid together under the rock, holding each other to try and keep warm.

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