Chapter Eight: The Gossip

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It was Monday again, fun. I hitched a ride with Mike and his sister, Nancy. To think her and that dork are related is insane, but hey, she was nice and I couldn't complain. We pulled up to Hawkins High, ready for another great day of having things thrown at my head in the hallways and getting called a dyke.

All day I couldn't find Eddie anywhere. I had spotted him a few times, but just as quickly as he appeared he'd disappear. Was he avoiding me? Or was it cause Jason was following Chrissy and I around like a horsefly? I was hoping it wasn't something I did. What if he was regretting Friday night?

Lunch rolled around and still no sign of Eddie yet. I grabbed my mediocre school food and sat down with the rest of the Hellfire Club. We were chatting amongst ourselves when the man of the hour finally showed up. He sat down at the end of the table, farthest from me and started talking with Dustin.

Whenever I spoke he wouldn't look at me, wouldn't chime in. I didn't dare try and speak to him directly as I couldn't handle the embarrassment of being outright ignored. So it wasn't Jason then, it really was me. I stuck to talking with Mike and Garreth, trying to ignore Eddie ignoring me.

End of the day, Hellfire Club was about to begin. I was debating if I should even go. Is Eddie just going to keep ignoring me? I could just ask Nancy if she could drop me off on her way home, but if I left I would be letting everyone else down. I guess I'll just have to bare the awkwardness.

This was so weird. He's acting like everything's normal and still not speaking to me. What did I do to piss him off? He barely gave responses out of character when it was my turn. I was getting pissed off now. If I did something wrong, he should just talk to me.

Hellfire Club ended and Eddie was practically rushing to leave. He was nearly to his car by the time I got outside. Angry and hurt, I ran to catch up with him. I didn't know exactly what I was going to say, but I had to confront him on his cold demeanor towards me. A part of me was hoping he was just nervous, but a part of me said he used me for what he wanted and now he was done with me.

"Eddie!" I yelled. "Eddie, what the fuck? Why have you been ignoring me all day?" I shoved him.

"Hannah, Friday night was great, but I don't think this is right. We're friends, we're part of the Hellfire Club, I don't want to make it weird." He didn't look in my eyes as he spoke.

"You're making it weird now by not even speaking to me! You don't think anyone else noticed?"

"Look I said it's over, it's not gonna happen. It was a mistake."

"I don't believe you, you won't look me in the eyes. What did I do? Did something happen? Or were you just using me?" My voice cracked and tears began to sting my eyes.

"I don't want you getting hurt, ok? That's why I don't think we should do this. Jason and those other assholes already put their hands on you because you were with me and I can't have that happen again!"

"And I handled it, we handled it!"

"But what if next time we don't and you really get hurt?"

"It would be worth it."

"No it really wouldn't. This isn't worth it." With that, Eddie got in his van and left. I stood in the parking lot, watching as he drove away. Mike, Dustin, and Lucas all walked out and came up to me.

"Hey, did Eddie leave already- woah what's wrong with you?" Lucas looked at me. "You, uh, look a little pale."

"Yeah, just not feeling that great is all." I choked out.

I spent the next day doing my best to stay away from Eddie all together. I even decided to skip Hellfire Club that day, opting to spend more time with Chrissy instead. We agreed on making the mall our first stop before possibly being able to convince me to join her at party later.

We strolled around Contempo's for a bit, trying on different outfits for each other. I made her follow me into Tower Records to buy the new Ozzy album, The Ultimate Sin. I was flipping through records when someone bumped straight into me.

"Shit, sorry!" A familiar voice said.

"Hey, what's up Mad Max?" I smiled.

"Oh, hey Hannah!" She perked up, "Shopping for more of that noise you call music?"

"You bet." I snorted, holding up the vinyl.

I joined back up with Chrissy, introducing her to Max, who were both surprised to see me hanging out with either of them. Chrissy had picked up a Madonna album and Max grabbed Kate Bush. Quite the contrast from Ozzy, but opposites attract and so far Max and Chrissy seemed to get on well.

With Max now added to our group, we made our rounds of the mall before finally settling in the food court. I ordered a couple slices of pizza from Sbarro while Max dragged Chrissy to Scoops Ahoy. We all plopped ourselves down at a table in the noisy food court and did what teenagers do best, gossip. Max was telling us about her problems with Lucas and how he just doesn't understand her. Chrissy was complaining about Jason's recent behavior and sudden overbearingness.

"So how come you aren't with your nerd club?"

"Ah, just needed a break today is all." I lied.

"Is this cause Eddie is ignoring you?"

"How did you know?"

"Lucas, Dustin, and Mike told me. They said it's pretty obvious." I groaned, letting my head fall back so I was staring at the ceiling.

"Yeah, he's ignoring me. I don't even know why. We had two awesome dates, my dad loves him, we get along great, I don't get it! Worst part though, we had sex the night before." I planted my face in my hands like I could hide from what I just said.

"What an asshole." Chrissy grumbled.

"So let me get this straight. I have to listen to Dustin go on and on about how all Eddie does is go on and on about you, then he finally gets you and suddenly he's what? Too scared?"

"Yeah, I guess so." I replied, not wanting to tell Max the whole truth in front of Chrissy. "It's whatever though, either he'll get over it or I will."

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