The plan

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Quick few things I wanted to clarify first: the lore with be changed for the sake of the story, most of it will stay as is but bits will be removed or changed time.

3rd pov:

Y/n sits in the open chair that was next to Niki and Tommy. Everyone does a quick introduction and she meets the members. 'Alright so we have Tubbo, Tommy, Wilbur, Niki, jack, and Fundy the fox boy.' She finds out that Wilbur and Tommy are brothers, Tommy and Tubbo are best friends, Fundy is Wilburs son, and Niki is close with everyone. Also Tommy is a child who is loud but very likable

"Okay, now that we have introductions done, lets get to work on a plan and then we will see if we have more spare time to get to know each other.." Wilbur spoke out. He looks over to y/n and asks her if she knows the Dream Team and what they are capable of, with a nod of her head as the response. "How is the war progressing, like how much is left or what needs to be done..?" y/n asks the team. Wilbur opens him mouth to speak but before he could get a word out Tommy blurts out "The Dream Team have challenged us to war because a green blob doesn't like that he doesn't have full control anymore so he threatened to blow us up tomorrow morning if we don't surrender, making us at war." y/n looks from Tommy to Wilbur as he nods "Yes, that is basically what is happening.."

"Okay, so I'm assuming that you guys don't have any intention of backing down then .." "Nope, we built this country out of basically nothing and we want to keep it after all of our efforts." Wilbur stated with a bold look on his face before looking over to his son.


I think it started around the time I got my wings.

I got them around 3 or 5. Sometime when I was young.

I got them from my father, Phil, he is a legend, just like my brother Techno. Techno doesn't have wings though.

Neither does my other brother.

I don't talk about him. He went missing and no one knows why.

No one except for me.

That's when it all started.


y/n pov:

I told the truth. I have heard of the Dream Team. They are better than them. Better than me? Maybe all three of them combined. I have heard... things about them. I have heard that they are ruthless and that Dream will stop at nothing to get what he wants. I am just fine fighting this battle but not if it's gonna take a long about of time. I have better things to do and better places to be. This place isn't the best, it's nice and feels like it could be a place that people call home and the people here seem to enjoy it here. Niki try's her best to make it look nice, I see her planting flowers often or working on gathering food with Fundy, while Tommy and Tubbo jump on rocks and play in the river in their free time. Tommy is interesting to me. I have never seemed to take a liking to people that much but with Tommy... I feel like he doesn't fully under stand this yet. He is too young to be in this war. He needs protecting.

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