Fear and injuries

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"TOMMY!" I yell out running up to him at a very fast pace seeing the large amount of blood coming out of his leg, getting the bottom of my sweat pants wet as I had taken off my shoes before he fell. I get to him and look down at his leg. "Oh god..." I look down at him leg to see a long streak of blood down his leg. I use some clean water and a towel from my bag to clean it off, thinking the blood had just dripped down but the cut was down his entire shin, being at least 11 inches long and 2 inches wide, scaring y/n a lot . "Crap crap crap." I look down at it, and help him out of the water to get him on the grass to clean it better.

"Is he okay?" Tubbo spoke sounding worried. "Yes, he will be. I promise." I look down at Tommy and say it again. "I promise." I pull my attention back down to his leg and tell Tubbo to pass me the larger med kit in my bag along with my clean water. 


He was killed.

He was killed because he spoke out his plans.

The person who killed him didn't like his plans.

They chose to try to be the better person and try to stop the evil.

They are now worse than his plans.

His plans. 

he hadn't done anything.


"Y/n, I'm scared.." Tommy spoke out with a shaky voice making me look up to him, seeing him with tears in his eyes. "Hey, hey, it's gonna be okay, you'll be fine. "No.. that's not it." He takes a sharp breath in and continues "What if Dream comes and I'm not better yet?" That makes me freeze in my spot thinking of the fact that Dream would hurt Tommy. "I will deal with that. If he even thinks about hurting you, he will be much more hurt."

 I grab the towel and the alcohol. Tommy reaches over and grabs Tubbo's hand, knowing that this may sting. I dump some onto the towel and look up to Tommy and he nods so I dap the cut with the towel. Tommy winces from the sting "Sorry.." I say and continue to disinfect the wound. Once I finish that I point to a pack of gauze and tape and ask Tubbo to pass them to me. I grab them from him and place the gauze on the wound and wrap tape around the gauze to hold it in place. 

"Okay." I say patting his other leg softly "Tubbo, will you help me get him up so we can get him back home" "Yes, yes, of course!" He gets up immediately and grabs Tommy's other arm and we both help him up and stand on both sides of him. We start the walk back and see Fundy right next to the gate and Wilbur is next to him biting at his nails. 

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