
403 10 3

1163 Words! getting longer chapters :)

I changed how they got there freedom bc I don't feel like writing the bow and disc scene. 

They got there freedom by beating up Dream. Deal with it.

Also big props to my friend TESSA she wrote a small part, she was complaining to me not writing so I had her write so that I wouldn't spoil the lore for her~ 

I made some small changes I made to blend it better <3 she was complaining about me not writing so I had her write 😊


y/n pov:

I walk through the snow to get to Techno's house. I get greeted at the door by my dad, Phil. I was worried this was going to happen. In this world if you are born with wings they start out white because you are pure when born but when you do bad things your wings color slowly gets darker until they are black.

"Hi dad!" I say with a bright smile, giving him a hug. I back away and look at him. "It's been too long since I saw you last, but it feels like a good amount of time. I feel like you wont be proud of what i have been doing with my spare time..."

"What do you mean kiddo?"

"Well.." I speak and extend my wings out fully with them being about twice the length of my original arm span. My wings unfold to show a set of beautifully torn up, dark black wings, but it looked amazing with how I dress and act.

"Oh.." Phil spoke out looking back and forth between my 2 wings making me feel self-conscious about their dark color so I folded them back in and tucked them behind my back making Phil step back because of the fast movement making me look at him with a face of confusion. I take a step back looking at him with a confused face.

I look him in the eyes and ask him "A- are you scared of me dad..?" I ask him with a look of confusion but also betrayal in my eyes.

"W- what... no, I'm not, why do you a- ask that kiddo?" Phil asked nervously

"Then why do you look at me differently from before? Why do you seem so much more nervous than I before I showed you my wings, dad?"

"Well come on then, tell me what happened mate." Phil asks

"I may or may not have agreed to help in a war, causing more chaos and turning sides." I look up at him with a look of worry "so.. Are you scared of me?"


I don't mention what happened with eret.

I chose to leave that part out.


He didn't respond showing me the answer to my first question so I scoff and look to the side and then look back at him and shove past him to get into the house and search for Techno. I climb up the ladder and find him looking through the chests he has set up near his compass load stone and brewing stands for potions for his destruction. I climb up the ladder and see him cleaning his bell that he loves. "Techno!" I say loudly in excitement. "Hey nerd." He hugs back."You been keeping octavia safe?" I ask him. He nods and soon asks what I came over for. "Well you see.."

We love this little cliff hanger, don't we 😌


After Tubbo, Tommy, and I beat up Dream, He handed over our freedom, Wilbur decided to host an election to celebrate and to remind the country of the fact that it is democracy and the people have a say in what happens in their country. 


y/n pov:

After me, Tommy and Tubbo beat up Dream all of L'manburg and myself decided to discuss plans for the election in the caravan. We gathered around the table Tommy sitting on my right and Niki on my left Tubbo was seated next to Fundy and Wilbur was stood at the head of the table right as Wilbur was about to discuss what was happening next Tommy being the obnoxious child he is, yelled out "WE BEAT THE GREEN BLOB POG CHAMP!" I rolled my eyes and kicked Tommy in the shin he muttered a small "Ow women" which I ignored seeing as Wilbur had cleared his throat about to talk again. "We need to set up posters all around the smp to promote the election." Wilbur stated I could hear Niki give a small "mhm" to his statement before he continued "Y/n, Tommy, and Tubbo you lot need to go and place the posters around the smp and don't get into any trouble." He said with a stern voice making his point clear as they should, really not get into trouble. "Niki you can bake treats for the festive and Fundy you can decorate." He finishes his statement.

Everyone made their way out to do what they were assigned. As Tommy, Tubbo and I were walking out of the gates of L'manburg Tommy started to complain about how 'setting up posters is boring' and 'fighting the green man would be more fun' I reminded Tommy about how Wilbur had said not to get into trouble and if he was well behaved I would sneak into Niki's bakery and get him a muffin later tonight. He reluctantly agreed and we began to set up posters for Pog2020 a party ran by Wilbur and Tommy, Swag2020 which consisted of Quackity and Georgenotfound, Schlatt 2020 which was just Schlatt, and coconut 2020 which was a party Fundy had made and dragged Niki into last minute.

Schlatt Pov:

I was setting up the podium for the festive with Quackity seeing as that is what Wilbur told us we could help with when he walked out of the caravan we said ok seeing as we were citizens and he was in charge. As we were setting up the microphone I noticed a girl and two children walking out of the gates I recognized them to be Y/n walking in the front, Tubbo following close behind, and Tommy walking slowly a little further behind the two he seemed to be complaining they were all holding some sort of paper in their hand so I assumed that they were also setting things up for Wilbur. I was snapped back into reality when Quackity shouted to me "ayyy Schlatt man you wanna buy some of the good stuff I can supply you with it man" I gave him a confused look and a shake of my head and then walked away.


As I walk down to get away from flatly patty up there I look up at the podium that is almost finished and ready for the election. The one that I have planned to make me win. Now all I have to do is wait. Now it's time to go to my my meeting with a ... friend.. that can help me secure my win. 

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