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I wake up tied in a chair and look around the room. There's a window that I look out as I look out the window I groan and let my head fall forward. I pull of the restraints behind my back keeping my hands tied together. It doesn't work so I push my legs forward trying to get the rope to break that's keeping my legs tied to the legs of the chair. It just hurts my legs from the rope "F*ck!" I yell out. I look out the window again wishing to be anywhere but here.

God d*nm L'manburg.

Now it's all clicking in my head of what happened last night. The ghosts, the sharp pain in my neck then getting picked up by someone. Must've been Wilbur.

I hear the door open and I try to turn around, as I am facing away from the door but can't quite see so I face forward again and dip my head backward. Speak of the devil, it's Wilbur. Guess I yelled to loud. I put my head forward again and he walks so he's facing me without me tipping my neck back.

I look to the side so I'm not looking at him and stretch my neck before I look back at him "hi." I say with a monotone voice "you wanna talk about Tubbo, the festival or the betrayal first?" I ask him

"Aren't those all connected?" He asks me and I shrug "I guess" he looks at me and I look at him and narrow my eyes.

"Let me go." I demand. He sits back and says "I'm good." I glare at him with murder intent clear in my eyes "you b*tch."

"I don't want to talk about any of your options. I want to talk about what you were screaming at in the woods. There was nothing there." I look at him sideways. "Yes there was, there was a swarm of people, and Tubbo, and there was also Ere- that's all. Just Tubbo and them."

"Y/n. You killed Tubbo." He says soft but firm.

"Yeah. It wasn't Tubbo Tubbo." I look up at the ceiling picturing the blue sky and I smile a real smile and say softly "it was tubghost." I say with a smile happy to have a friend. "I like Tubghost. He was nice." I look away from the ceiling to him being happy out of no where.

Wilbur is leaning forward in his chair with his elbows on his knees with one hand over his mouth. "Okay." He says softly with tears in his eyes "do you want to talk to Tommy?" My eyes shine with hope and I smile and nod.

Wilbur pov:

I walk out of the room to find Tommy leaning against the wall next to the door. "She wants to talk to you but there something wrong with her."

"Yeah no sh*t Wilbur." Tommy says, I sigh and roll my eyes "she's gone crazy, but like delusional, she's seeing stuff, ghosts mainly, and thinks she saw Tubbo as a ghost, she calls him tubghost, and thinks there friends. I found her by her screaming at the top of her lungs for something to get out of her head, so I don't think the ghosts are all good."

Tommy looks to the ground "oh"

"Yeah" I say and he goes in the room. I watch through the window and I see him treat her like a little kid, making her laugh and happy, while being on the verge of tears.

Haha we love going crazy 🤪
Word count of 604

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