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Dinner at the Rodriguez's
Benny's pov:
I sat up from the couch to see Harper walking downstairs and she had tears coming down her eyes. Oh no, what did my mom say. Wait- what if I did something? Oh no. "Harper. Are you ok?" I asked she was quiet, last time I asked that she fainted. "Um yea I'm fine." She said sadly, then walked towards the kitchen where my mother was making the food. Did I say or do anything to piss her off?
I walked upstairs to pais's room, "Hey Benny" she said smiling. "Pais did you hear mama and Harper talking?" I asked curiously. "Uhhh Yea." She paused, "why?" Man she is a curious little 9 year old. "Just wondering what they were talking about, Harper was crying when she came downstairs." "That's because her and mommy were talking about you!" She said squealing, "me? What'd they say!" I said. "I cannot say." Pais said giggling, "imma tickle you if u don't," "you will never get it out of me!" She said running out of her room. I started to chase her, then I caught up easily because they don't call me the jet for nothin. She ran all the way to the kitchen screaming and hid behind mom, "you can't get me!" I ran up to her picked her up and threw her on the couch, then started tickling her. "Ahhhh Benny stopppp" she was giggling so much. "I can't breathe! Mama tell benny stop." Just then Harper came and jumped on my back causing me to stumble, and we both fell on the carpet. "Hey What was that for?" I said jokingly, then went to tickle Harper. "Benjamin Rodriguez do not!" She said then punched my shoulder very hard, "ouch." I said then Pais started laughing then Harper snorted which caused me to laugh. "Dinner you clowns!" I heard my mom yell.

Dinner time
Harpers pov:
I went to get a plate of enchiladas that Benny's mom cooked, she's a really good cook. And then Benny cut in front of me "Hey that's rude" I said running into him, he rolled his eyes and stole my plate too. "Ugh your welcome Benny." I said as he sat down to eat MY PLATE of food. I looked at his mom to see her giving me the "told you so" eyes so I laughed the frowned. Maybe it's true, but I don't want a to ruin a perfect friendship. And he would never like me. After dinner my mom called me and told me to come watch my brother because she had to work, shocking right? I thanked Laura for dinner, told Benny I would see him at the lot tomorrow, and told Pais I would take her for ice cream tomorrow, and then I went home. I walked in the door to see my sister had her boyfriend Charlie over I didn't mind him, he liked to watch baseball so he was fine. "Oh hey harp, I thought u were spending the night a Benny's." Cher said, "no dummy. I have to watch James." I said rolling my eyes, she's kinda annoying but she is the only other person that knows about my crush on Benny. But we get along fine sometimes we fight, but we are sisters that's normal. "Harpeeeeeeeeeee" James said running into my arms. He looked exactly like me but in an 4 year olds body and a boy version, but he was very sweet. "Hey buddy, did you eat already?" "Yea Thomas took him and Sammy to eat." Thomas was Phillips's older brother, you would never guess they were related. Thomas was nice and always took care of James when we needed help, unlike Phillips. "Oh ok, let's go swimming then." I said as we went to put his suit on. It was around 8:30 when we got out of the pool, I put on Mickey Mouse for James to watch and then I sat on the couch texting my friends.
-Sandlot group chat-
Kenny: guys and Harper we should go to the pool tomorrow, it's supposed to be super hot.
Yeah-yeah: yeah-yeah it is
Squints: I'm down
Harper: Squints shut up you only wanna go to see Wendy.
Squints: is there a problem with that?
Benny: Squints you need to grow-up.
Ham: Benny just because you and Harper are together doesn't mean the rest of us can't have fun.
Harper: omg for the last time! We are not, NOT TOGETHER! goodness
Benny: cmon leave her alone, ive told ya that so many times.
Yeah-yeah: stop swoonin over her then
Benny: I'm not
Bertram; are too
Smalls: guys just leave 'em alone.
Harper: thanks smalls

I put James to bed then told Cher and Charlie night, then went to bed.

We were all walking towards the pool, talkin about ham and how terrible he was at pitching. then Benny looked into my eyes, pulled me close, and kissed me. The boys eyes were wide open when we pulled away, "I told you." "Ok you guys breathe." "Tommy close your eyes!" "They are!" "Ouch" "awww I knew it" we heard all the boys yelling, I looked back at Benny and he pulled me in for another kiss-
"Benny" I said "yes?" I heard and bolted up from my bed, to see Pais and Benny standing in my room. Ughh really Cher. I looked at Benny who's eyes were wide open, I look down to see that I am wearing short spandex and a sports bra. "Shit" I yelled then I looked at paislee who's mouth was wide open "shit, I shouldn't say that!" I paused "oh god, I said it again. Paislee DO NOT REPEAT THAT!" I said running into my closet while putting some clothes on, god isn't my life wonderful! I walk out of my closet, dressed in clothes. "I'm so sorry bout that, I didn't know that y'all were right there." I said apologizing to them. "It's fine, Cher told us you were up in your room." Benny said kinda embarrassed, "Well she wasn't wrong!" Pais said with sass, "Well someone's sassy today!" I said laughing along with Benny. "No I just want to go to the pool and eat ice cream. Is James coming?" Paislee said "Umm Yea I guess he is." "Ok then what are we waiting for?" Pais said pushing Benny out of the room, "lead the way prince" I said to Benny giggling as I got James from his room. Then we went downstairs I grabbed my emergency backpack, said bye to Cher and we all walked out the door.

-end of chapter-
I don't have anything to say, enjoy the story ig.

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