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Harpers pov:
Dr.'s parking lot.

I was going to unlock the door to the car and I felt someone tap on my shoulder, I got scared so I jumped. I turned around to see that Phillips tapped my shoulder. Oh great. "What do you want asshole!" I scowled at him, "look I just came to say I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean those things, and I'm sorry for what my brother caused you." He said sadly, then looking at my shin. "I'm sorry but you can't just come up to me and expect me to forgive you, your family hurt mine. Mentally and physically, that's not how it works in this situation." I yelled at him, trying not to cause a scene. "I know, I didn't expect you to forgive me and my family. I just needed to get this off my chest, again I'm sorry-" Phillips said but then my mom came out of those doors, "what the hell are you doing that close to my daughter!" She said running towards me, then standing in front of me, blocking me from Phillips. "Catherine, I know you don't wanna hear from me or my family, but I came here to apologize to you daughter. About me and my family's actions, I already heard what Harper had to say about my apology. So I'm just gonna leave, my mom sent me to give you money for the hospital visit. I'm truly sorry again for my family's and mines actions" Phillips said, handing my mom an envelope then walking away. Then my mom and I got into the car and drove to ice cream, was he really sorry? No it's Phillips, they aren't nice to my family. Or any of the sandlot people, Phillips just was trying to make us to not come after them again. Right?
We went inside for ice cream, I got vanilla with gummy worms and my mom got chocolate with ressces.
(However you spell that)
We both sat down at a table, "did Phillips hurt you?" Mama said concerned, "no he just came to apologize. Why would he want to do that?" I said questioning my mom. "I'm not sure. He sounded serious but yet coming from his family, I can't believe or forgive them 100 percent." She responded, "same. I told him, thanks for the apology but I can't forgive them just yet. He said he understood." I said looking down at the table. "Yea that was just weird of him, you know? Outta the blue just comes up to me and tries to apologize." I paused. Maybe he was actually sorry, I'm not sure. "Ok it's fine, just let it be. Let's go, I have to make lunch." Mama said throwing her empty bowl away, then we both walked to the car and drove home.

Benny's pov:
I texted Harper,
Me: hey I was just wondering ur appt went.
Sent 5 mins ago, she usually responds pretty fast. I checked my phone again,
Read at 11:12. It's 11:18, is she ignoring me?
Maybe her appointment went terrible. Maybe she blames me for all this, and she doesn't want to talk to me anymore.
I decided to go to her house and see what the problem was.

I knocked on the door, Cher answered. "Can I help you Benny?" She said rolling her eyes, "geez I was wondering how harpers appointment went." I said, "oh I'm not sure. They haven't come home yet." She said, "oh ok I'll come back when they are here-" I began to say but then James ran to the door, "Benny come see my new cars I got!" He said pulling me inside, towards the living room. "I guess I will wait here." I said laughing looking at cher, she laughed then sat on the couch to watch tv. James sat me down to show me all his new hot wheels he got from Thomas.
"so Benny." Cher said. "Yeah?" "Have you made a move on Harper yet?" She said giggling, crap what do I say. Did Harper tell her? "Um-" i turned red, "just kidding! Harper told me about the 4th, I haven't told anyone but you right now. Don't worry, she liked it a lot." "really?" I said, I didn't know if she enjoyed it or hated it. "Yeah she wouldn't shut up about how you were such a good kisse-" Cher began to say, but then Harper cut her off.

"Ummm, What? I never said that. Cher go help mom." Harper said, her face was red. But still cute. "Help me with what?" Mrs. Adam said right behind Harper, "when did you guys get here?" Cher said with confusion, "like just a minute ago" Catherine said. "Oh um yea, what did you need help with mom?" Cher said trying to change the subject. "Oh nothing, what were you and Benny talking about?" Mrs. Adams said looking from Cher to me. "Ummm how Benny's cousin's dog liked to lick Harper that one time at Christmas." Cher said, I had to hold in my laughter, I looked at Harper who's face was still very red. I'm guessing she heard our conversation. I had to think of an excuse to get out of this pickle. The appt.
"So Harper how was your appointment?" I said, as we sat on the couch. "oh just great." She said with sarcasm, "I have to use this stupid boot. And I can't even put full weight on it! So I have to use 1 crutch or be super careful, which means still no baseball till after next weeks appt." Harper said rolling her eyes, I laughed. "That sucks, you aren't gonna go easy on your foot are you?" I said, already knowing the answer.
"No of course not-" she began to say. "Harper Kate Adams!" I heard her mom yell from the kitchen, "yes mama?" Harper said looking very scared, "you will listen to those exact directions, got me?" Catherine said, with Harper mimicking every word. I laughed same with Cher, who we forgot was also sitting on the sofa. "Ok well lunch is ready kids." Mrs. Adams yelled, "mama I'm going to the sandlot with Benny." Harper yelled. "Ok be safe baby!" Her mom yelled as we walked out the door, on the way to the sandlot.

-end of chapter-

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