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Jess's pov:
All the boys were eating lunch at our table except Benny, he was eating with amber. I asked Harper if she was ok with that and she acted fine, but I knew she wasn't.

She went to the bathroom a few minutes after lunch started and now the next bell rang, Harper still hasn't came back.

I went to the girls bathroom to see if she was ok, before I went in I saw ambers stupid little minions walking out.
"Hey bitch." Emily said, "right back at ya." I said nudging into her shoulder, "I don't think your little friend is. Well- just see for yourself." Patty said giggling. I pushed past them and ran into the bathroom, Harper was laying on the floor. Eyes closed. Oh shit.

"Harper?" I asked- no response. I started to panic then calmed down.
Ok school nurse right? Yep.

I picked up Harper bridal style then rushed to the nurse.
"Hey nurse I found Harper Adams on the floor of the girls bathroom just right now." I said.
"Oh do you know what happened?" The nurse asked as I set Harper down on the bed.
"No but then think Emily and patty had something to do with it. They came out of the bathroom right before I went in and saw Harper laying on the floor." I replied.

The nurse looked around harpers body to see any bruises or cuts.
"Oh ok, well Harper either fell against the counter or someone punched her in the stomach." "I can tell from this bruise starting to form on her stomach." Nurse said pointing to a big bruise forming, about the size of a fist.
A Emily sized fist, this girl needs to go down.

"You better go to class, you can check on her once she wakes up." Nurse said as I walked out the door. I went straight to pe, my next class. But I knew that amber and her minions would be there. I walked out to the field, we were playing kickball again.

"Mckennly your late." The coach scolded, "well sorry someone beat up my friend." I said, then all the sandlot boys started asking questions. "Who?" "Was it Emily?" "Is Harper ok?" "What are you gonna do about that?"

I rolled my eyes then walked towards Emily, she was laughing with all her friends.
"Oh hey Jess. How are you?" She said acting innocent, "drop the act. Why did you beat up Harper?" I spat at her.
"Oh I would never." "You know you punched her then left her in the bathroom floor as she passed out." I said, everyone gasped since all the attention was on our conversation.
"You have a problem with your friend stealing my friends boyfriend?" Patty said walking closer to me.
"Yes 2 reasons, 1 because Benny and amber aren't together. And 2 just leave us alone, we never do anything to you and yet you still beat us up." I said striking a punch at patty since she was the closest, she fell to the floor.

Ok I'm fired up now.
"What are you doing bitch?" Emily said pushing me, but no. I slapped her across the cheek, she gasped. "Oh no you didn't." She tried to grab my hair but luckily it was wrapped up in a bun. Then she punch me right in my jaw but I was still stable, a little off guard but stable. "Oh no honey, I did." I said punching her stomach, she fell clutching her stomach.

"You wanna go Cassie?" I said walking towards her, she shook her head and backed up. She isn't like the rest of her group. I know that because we used to be close but then she went to summer camp and met amber. Then I never talked to her again.

"Ok Mckennly that's enough." Coach said pulling me away from Cassie. I looked towards Emily who was hunched over, then towards patty who was holding her shoulder. That's what these brats get. "Ok Mckennly office now." "Me? What about them?" I spat, there was blood. "they will go too. Once we get themselves some medicine and ice." Coach said, "Whatever. They are wussies, can't even punch back!" I said holding my jaw from where I got hit, I spit on the grass and there was still more blood in my mouth.

"That was pretty bad-ass." Ham said walking with me towards the office and the nurses, "Yea? Well it should be because imma get in hella trouble for that." I said walking into the nurses where Harper was, she's awake. She looked at me terrified. "What happened?" Harper said pointing towards my jaw where I was holding ice. "Just gave Emily and patty a little talk." I said smiling and ham laughed. "Oh ok." "Ham tell her, I have to go see jerkins." "Ok good luck." He said as I walked into the principals office.

I've been here many times before but still intimidates me a bit, I never know what my father will say when he gets the phone call. The only time I go home is when Catherine makes me explain to my father why he got a call, then I usually get the belt and end up running away. I always stay in town because I don't really know where else to go.

"What a nice surprise Mckennly?" The Principal said, I didn't make eye-contact.
Instead, I stared at the gold plaque on his desk reading Principal jerkins.
Ive seen it many times before, I just hated making eye contact with him.

"So Emily and patty this time huh?" "They deserved it." I mumbled.
"Ok well I can tell this story either deserves a 1-day suspension and a 3-day detention." He said, "you choose this time."

Either 1 day, at home, with my shitty father. Or 3 days in the worst place ever. Hard decision.

"Hmmm I'll do the 3-days this time." I said with a smile then I got up and walked away. "Jessica come back here." I heard him say. "Sorry gotta start my 3days right now!" I said walking into the office.

-end of story-

Heheheh I'm obsessed with Jess's attitude.

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