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-next morning-
Harpers pov:
I woke up and went downstairs to see James eating breakfast, "Harper can we go to the park today?"
"Sure buddy. Lemme get dressed then we can go." I said walking right back upstairs.

We got to the park and James went to play on the play structure, I sat down on a bench.
I was pretty close to where James was so if anything happens, I would be able to see him still.

I felt my phone go off so I pulled it out to see that Jess had texted me.
Jess: guess what!
Me: what?
Jess: jackson asked me out! Well he invited me to this party tonight at the park.
Me: no way that's cool.
Jess: we should double date!
Me: ya I'll let you know later.
Jess: ok sweet.

I saw Benny texted me and was about to respond when someone sat next to me on the bench.
I turned my head to see that it was a guy around my age. not just any guy, a guy that looked familiar.
He plays baseball with Phillips I think.
"Do you mind?" I snapped when he scooted closer to me. "No I actually don't." He said smirking.
"Go away." "Make me." "I have a boyfriend you know?" I said hoping he would leave me alone.
"Ok and? I didn't ask." He said scooting even closer to me, now we were from shoulder to shoulder.
This is very uncomfortable.

"What's your name?" He asked me, I rolled my eyes. "I asked you a question." He said nudging my shoulder.
"It's Harper, now leave me alone." I said getting up and walking towards James, that creep followed me.

"Leave me alone!" I said slapping this guy's face that was about a foot away from me.
"What did that guy do to you?" James asked,
"nothing." That kid said, holding his cheek from where I slapped.
"Again leave me alone. Come on buddy." I said pulling James away from the park and that guy.

"Who was that?" James asked as we walked towards our house.
"One of Phillips's friends." I said rolling my eyes.
"Can we go to paislee's house?" He asked, "Sure." We walked across the street to their house.

I knocked on the door and Paislee answered,
"Paislee why did you answer the door?" I said concerned because she's only 9.
"Well Benny is studying in his room and mommy is at work." She said,
"Oh ok, James go play with Paislee." I said as I closed the front door and went upstairs to Benny's room.

As I got closer to the door, I heard laughing. Not Benny's laugh-a girls laugh.
"Omg Benny I'm never gonna pass this, help meeee." I heard a voice say, amber.
This bitch better not be with my boyfriend in his room, home alone.

I opened the door, "ew what's she doing here?" Amber screeched, "um I'm his girlfriend." I snapped, clearly already annoyed with her and her attitude. "Well leave brat, we are clearly studying." She said, leaning closer to Benny. He looked at me, "Harper we are just studying. I will be down in a minute." He said basically shooing me out of his room.

Ew Amber is everywhere. But why in my boyfriends bedroom 'studying'.

A few minutes later, they both came downstairs and amber was laughing,

"Benny you are so funny, isn't he harper?" She said, "yes he is. Now leave." I said, she rolled her eyes.

She scoffed then sat on the couch, "Benny?" "Yea?"
"Wanna go to the park with me later? There's a party festival thing there tonight." Amber said, then looked straight at me. She smiled then turned back to Benny, "um sorry I promised that there was a camp out tonight." He said.

I walked into the kitchen because I can't stand amber anymore. And I went to get some water,

"Oh I knew I could find you where the food is." She said hissing at me,
"wow your so funny. Now move hoe." I said, pushing her away.

Apparently that bothered her because she elbowed me in the stomach,
"oops. I guess you are to fat to fit through the walkway." She laughed.

I just rolled my eyes and went back to the living room, "oh Benny I gotta go. See you tomorrow." Amber said walking out the front door. Then she disappeared, "finally." I said loudly, Benny laughed.

"What was she doing over here?" I asked, "calm down. She just wanted help with the history homework on Friday." Benny said, "oh ok." I said laying down by Benny. he was rubbing his fingers on my forehead, making me sleepy. I yawned, "stop imma fall asleep." I said. Then closed my eyes.

Benny's pov:
Harper fell asleep on my lap.

What was she doing earlier? She didn't respond to my texts, is everything ok?
Was she hanging out with another boy?

About 30 minutes later harper woke up, "how long did I sleep for?" She asked,
"about half an hour." I said, she groaned and I laughed.

"What were you doing earlier today?" I asked.
"Oh I took James to the park, why?" She responded,
"I texted you and you didn't reply." I said, she paused.

"Oh my gosh, get this. So I took James to the park and someone sat next to me, it was one of Phillips's freaking friends. He scooted closer to me so I asked what he wanted and he wouldn't leave me alone. then I told him go away and he kept following me. So I got James and we came here because we were bored." Harper said,

"Who was it?" I asked. "What did he want."

"I don't know, I didn't answer his questions tho." She said, "don't be mad at me."

"I'm not. I just hate when other boys talk to you, especially people that hangout with Phillips." I said, she nodded.

After a few more minutes of talking, we decided to go to the sandlot and meet up with the other boys. We had to take James and Paislee too because they couldn't stay home alone.

"Your out four-eyes!" Ham yelled to Squints, "shut up ham." He replied.

"Soooo hows are you nervous for your date tonight?" Harper asked Jess when we all went back to the dugout.
"Yes he's such a babe and I'm not. What if he hates me?" She said.
"You got the first part right." Ham said, Jess smacked him.
Everyone laughed.

"You'll be fine Jess." Harper said laughing
"Who is this kid anyways?" Squints said, "Jackson." She replied.
"Ew that loser?" Ham said, "someone jealous?" I asked ham, he turned bright red.

"Ew never." He said pretending to gag, Jess did that same thing.

Then Jess went home because she had to get ready for her date, so we all decided to go home too.

-end of chapter-

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