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Pool dayyyyyy
Benny's pov:

Harper, paislee, James and I all walk into the neighborhood community pool. We see all the sandlot boys sitting in the grass, prolly waiting for us. "We have been waintung for-ever! Already" Squints said. "Yeah-yeah you guys were taking awhile." Yeah-yeah said, then we all jumped in the pool. "sorry, I woke late and then I wasn't dressed and Benny was there-" Harper started to say then quickly stopped, realizing what she said. "Shit." She said quietly. "Hold up, you didn't have clothes on and Benny was right next to you?" Timmy said "right next to you." Tommy repeated after his older brother, the rest of the boys's mouths were wide open. This isn't gonna be good.
Just then squints turned his head to see Wendy. Wendy peffercorn, the lifeguard that was super hot. She had every boy swoonin and every girl wanting to be her. Squints had the biggest crush on her, and she didn't even know who he was. After some more of the guys pushing each other underwater paislee came up to me, "Benny I'm hungryyyyyyy." "Oh ok you want something from the snack bar?" I said, "sure. I think Harper does too." Pais said looking towards Harper floating in the shallow-end by ham and James. "Oh ok. I'll be right back Pais, be careful." She nodded her head and I swam towards Harper "hey do you want anything from the snack bar?" I asked Harper, "yeah gimmie nachos" ham said smiling, "Umm sure" Harper said "Dummy, go with him" Ham said, she groaned and got up out of the water. 

"Cmon I'm not so bad," I said poking her side as we waited in line. "Oh yes you are buddy." She said giggling, I got real close to her and whispered in her neck, "you will regret saying that later." And harped stared at me bug-eyed, "um" "I'm just kidding, haha you shoulda seen your face!" I said dying of laughter, she rolled her eyes and hit me in the stomach. Then we got our food and went back to the pool area, but something was off. Harper and I looked at each other then looked where all the lifeguards were standing and sandlot boys were getting escorted out of the pool by Wendy peffercorn, pulling squints's ear, "get out! And stay out!" Squints was grinning from ear to ear, and the boys were all laughing congratulating him.

-Harper pov-
We quickly ran towards them, "ww-What happened?" I said confused, "Well you see Squints here decided to jump in the deep-end-" Kenny began to say, squints didn't know how to swim. I rolled my eyes. "Then he didn't come-up for awhile, so we all were yelling his name swimming towards him, and Wendy went down to rescue him." "Yeah-yeah then she did cpr on him and we all thought he was dead." "But no! He full on made out with her!" "Made out with her!" "Then she screamed "you little pervert" and then you guys saw the rest." All the boys were saying, while squints was grinning. I walked up to him and slapped him across the face, "why would u do that? You could have died, just for a kiss?" "It was Wendy!" Squints said still hurt from me slapping him. "Sorry, it was wrong of me." He said looking at the floor, "Hey it's ok we all know how much you swoon over her, but don't ever do that again! You hear me?" I said, he looked up at me. "Yes mom." "Ok good, now I have to get pais ice cream" "yay" she squealed. "Ok Benny u stay here, this is my date. You can have her another time." Paislee said very loudly to Benny, but everyone heard and started making fun of him. I rolled my eyes, and left before I heard anymore.

At ice cream
Pais and I walked into the ice cream shop downtown and stood in line, "what r u gonna get harpie?" "Umm vanilla with gummy worms. What about you?" I said looking down at her, "boring!" she said in the same tone that Benny told me at the diner yesterday. "Imma get strawberry with sprinkles and whipped cream!" "Ohhh yummy, ok tell him what you want Pais." I looked up at the man while pais told him her order, freaking Phillips, wow the one time the gang isn't with me. Yippie. "Ok, what can I get ya?" He said, "vanilla with gummy worms" I said not making eye contact with him. "Ok here ya go, that will be 8 dollars even." I handed him a 10 and he gave me my change, then Pais and I sat at a pink and green colored booth to eat.

-end of chapter-
I have nothin to sayyyy

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