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Harpers pov:
The whole week of school went by fast and before I knew it, it was Friday- the day before my birthday.
Cher was nice to me today, weird. She offered to take me to school, "Sure I guess." I said following her to the car.
"So how's that dummy Benny?" She said blasting music, "he's not dumb. That's you, he's good." I replied, she rolled her eyes.
"Whatever what are we doing tomorrow?" Cher said.

"Umm I don't know. Mama is prolly working and you will probably just ignore me like usual, and then I will be stuck watching James like any other day." I said with a kinda pissed tone.

"Chill. I never ignore you, I just forget your there sometimes." She replied laughing,
"oh thanks. Very reassuring." I said slapping her shoulder, "Hey your gonna leave a mark!" "Good." I smirked.

"Get out loser." She said dropping me off at the entrance of the school, "love you." She yelled.
"No you don't." I said yelling back before I ran into someone, I turned my head up to see Cody.

Not this again. "Harper your gonna make me fall baby girl." He said putting his arm around my shoulder.
"Ugh as if!" I yelled and took his arm off my shoulder, Cody smirked.

"Get lost." I said as I rolled my eyes, Cody decided to keep bothering me. "So what you doing tonight?" He asked,
"Hanging with my boyfriend." I said, "woah slow down we aren't on that stage yet." He said laughing, I rolled my eyes.
"No not you," I said before I got interrupted by another voice. "I think she means me." Benny said, he gave me a kiss and then Cody walked away.

"Hey Benny." I said giving him another kiss, "was he bothering you last weekend?" Benny asked me concerned.
"Yeah but it's fine, I can deal with him." I said. "Ok well I still don't like him talking to you." "Benny relax."

"Awwwwww" I heard all the boys say as Benny and I walked to our lockers, "guys shut up." Benny said, I agreed.
"Ahhhhhhh Harper Jackson has 1 period with me!" I heard Jess say, I smiled.
"ohh yay. Now you can go get an early seat with him." I said shooing her away.

I'm not mean but all she ever talks about is Jackson. They aren't even together, but I'm her best friend so I'm not gonna talk about her like that. I thought as I walked into 1st period trying to find a spot.
You know since Jess replaces me with Jackson. Just kidding, love her to death.

School finally was out! Well just for the week, at least my birthday was tomorrow. I was thinking I take the boys to the diner for breakfast and then eat lunch with whatever family members are home, then invite the Rodriguez's for dinner since we are very close to their whole family. Perfect plan, I thought while explain it to cher.

"Mkay I might not make it to lunch but I can do dinner." She said while we walked through the front door, James and Paislee were sitting on the sofa watching Mickey Mouse and Mama was making dinner.

"Hey girls, dinner will be ready in 10." Mama said as Cher set down her shopping bags, Cher forced me to go shopping with her after school but luckily she didn't make me try anything on.
She sighed then sat next to Paislee on the sofa, then she popped up like the couch was on fire.

"Oh shit!" Cher said loudly,
"Sorry mama, HARPER." She said staring at me, "What now?" I whined. "We didn't get you a birthday outfit!" She exclaimed, then practically dragged me back into the car.

"No I'm not wearing that or even trying that on!" I said gagging, "oh come on! It's adorable, besides you are turning 16!"
Cher said holding a pink dress up next to me, "NO!" I yelled, the cash register looked at me funny. "Sorry." I said.

After about 10 more minutes of Cher holding up EVERY DRESS next to me, I still didn't find one I liked.
Well actually there was this light blue dress, it came to about mid-thigh but I hate dresses.

"Can't I just wear jeans?" I exclaimed as we got back into the car, "no we will find you something." Cher said driving to another store, "ughhhhhhhh" I groaned.

We went inside and on the mannequin I saw a navy blue dress, it wasn't fancy- it was more of a t-shirt dress.
"Ooohhh this one." I said walking towards the mannequin, Cher looked at it in disgust. "Ew."
"No that's your style," I said laughing, she rolled her eyes. "Whatever try it on." She said.

I came out of the dressing room, the 1 dress I actually like. Hmmmmm.
"You look decent I guess." Cher said, "Well I mean it's not jeans so let's get it." She said pushing me back to get changed.
We bought the dress and finally made it home, for good.

"Could of taken a little longer don't ya think?" Mama said laughing,
"no because Cher FORCED me to try on EVERY DRESS in that first store." Cher rolled her eyes again,
"get this. We didn't even get anything from there!" I yelled, "sounds like you had fun." Mama said giving me a hug.
"Totally, best shopping buddy ever!" I said giving Cher a sarcastic smile, which she returned in the same attitude.

At around 11 that night, I went to bed because the next day was a big day for me. I mean my family would actually probably be eating dinner all together! That never happens? Then I fell asleep.

-end of chapter-

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