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harper pov:

"sit. now" mama said pointing to the couch, i huffed then sat down. "c'mon harper, explain why you are home early." she said, "ugh. well i punched amber in the nose. it was a good shot tho, but amber got her way and i was sent to the principal's. and now i'm here, i'm not suspened tho." i said while she tried to understand what i said. "well what did she do?" mama said, she seemed not mad. "she said benny and i were just a summer fling, and how he's gonna leave me because i'm me." I said clutching my fist.

"oh sweetie that will never happen. benny loves you, more than you will ever know." mrs rodriguez said, when the heck did she get here? I huffed again.

"yeah you're probably right, i just over reacted. i'll apologize tomorrow." I said walking up the stairs quickly, to get out of whatever punishment mama was going to give me.

I took a nap because school always makes me tired. About half-hour later, Jess texted me.

jess: hey what happened with you and amber?

me: omg that brat- starting up more drama.

jess: when is she not? anyways i'm coming over, school just got out.

me: ok i just woke up from a nap.

I put my phone down and straightened up my room, then laid down on my bed again. Jess came zooming thru my door, "harper tell me what she did!" she said. i couldn't tell if she was mad or happy, she would be happy because then it's payback. I explained everything, "oh my that gurl." jess said standing up, "woah woah woah. sit" I said she groaned then sat. "we are not gonna get her right now, let's go to the sandlot." I said, "fine. but next time i see that brat imma beat her up." jess said, "ok you do that" we walked out the front door towards the sandlot.

We arrived and all the boys were playing, so I put my mitt on and went to short-stop. Benny was batting, I didn't think anyone noticed me until Benny hit the ball. Over the fence. He was running and stopped where I was, in-between 2nd and 3rd. He gave me a kiss said hi, then kept running because the boys were yelling for him to save me for later and keep playing. We both rolled our eyes at their comments but Benny kept running, he got to home and went towards the dugout while we all followed.

"Now we can't play dufus!" Squints yelled, "yeah we can." Smalls said everyone groaned, last time smalls said that- we got ourselves into the biggest pickle ever. "No smalls, you are not stealing another ball!" Bertram said. "Yeah-yeah you already caused us and Benny's life last year!" Yeah-yeah said, "no dummies. I brought a bucket of baseballs." He said holding the bucket up and swinging it, "what are we waiting for?" Ham yelled as everyone went back to the field. Jess was up to bat and then I was next. She got a base-hit and I got a 2-run homer. After a few more hours of playing, it was dark so we all went home.

Of course Jess slept over again, but it wasn't a problem. So we both took showers, said night to the fam and went to bed.

-next morning-
Harpers pov:

I woke up to loud noises coming from downstairs, what the hell? Who's up this early? I thought. It's only 5:40
I went downstairs because someone woke me up, that wasn't very smart of them.

It was James, ughhhhh. "Why are you yelling and taking all the pots out?" I said in a tone that I didn't mean, but it's my morning and someone woke me up an hour early. "Cher wouldn't make me eggs!" James said glaring at cher, she rolled her eyes. "Omg cher do something and make him food." I said, "why don't you? You are already up." She said going back on her phone, this girl and her attitude. "Please make James food, I don't have school until 8. So I'm going back to bed and I'm guessing moms already at work?" I said before walking up the stairs, "yeah she is." James said "ok"

Then I curled right back into bed and fell asleep.

At 6:40 I heard Jess her up and jump on my bed. "What!" I yelled, throwing a pillow at her. "Oh someone's grumpy. You have to get dressed or we will miss the bus." She said, I groaned. "Whatever." I said as she pulled me off my bed.
We got dressed, ate breakfast, said bye, then the bus came.

We both got on, this time I sat by Jess because amber was already sitting by Benny. Jess saw this and glared at amber, who smiled innocently and went back to flirting with Benny. I smiled at Benny and he gave me a 'help me' look, I laughed then sat across from them with Jess. "So that new kid Jackson, how ya think about him?" Jess said, "um i don't know I haven't talked to him, besides again I have Benny." I said annoyed with her and this Jackson kid. "Why don't you get with him? If you think he's amazing." I continued, "well he's too good for me. No one would ever like me, besides I don't need a boyfriend." She said, "that's not true. But whatever you say." I laughed then went on my phone till we got to school.

-end of chapter-

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