chapter six

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after chasing flynn around school for the rest of the day, julie and lily finally agreed to play at the school dance.

julie told lily to come to her house after school so that they could tell the boys, and lily agreed.

currently, lily, reggie and luke were stood around the piano, watching julie as she watered the plants in the studio.

reggie, who was looking at the flyer about the school dance, spoke up. "we're playing a school dance? sweet."

"it's not exactly the strip." luke mumbled with a pout on his face as he was playing around with the rings on his fingers. lily chuckled at him and put her hand over his, to get him to stop fiddling with his rings.

"and you're not exactly alive, so maybe you should be happy we have our first gig." reggie told him, making lily chuckle. reggie smiled at her and held his fist out for her to fist bump, which she happily did.

"we weren't in love with the idea at first either, but it could be a great way for us to build a following, right?" julie said, smiling over at lily and the boys.

"julie's right, when pink petals had first formed, we played loads of school dances. that eventually lead to playing events at weekends. it's the best way to go." lily chimed in, backing julie up. julie gave her a grateful smile which lily returned.

"yeah, yeah. we need to play wherever we can, whenever we can." reggie said, making lily smile at him.

luke, seeing that lily smiled, caved in and agreed. "no, no you're right. let's rock those kids' faces off and then play the clubs."

"and then record a single that gets a billion streams." julie added in, getting excited.

"i don't know what that is, but hopefully it lands us a manager and a tour." luke smiled.

"i'm pretty sure flynn will find a way to become our manager, she's already our marketing team." lily butted in, making julie huff out a laugh in agreement.

"and then we'll release a bunch of hit albums." julie said, making lily point a finger in her agreement.

"put out a country album that does surprisingly well." reggie said, making everyone look over at him. "i shred on the banjo, so..."

"then i'll learn how to fiddle!" lily said, smiling over at her brother. reggie held out his hand for another fist bump, which lily again put her fist against his. 

"and then before you know it we're being inducted into the rock 'n' roll hall of fame!" luke said, banging his fists against the piano excitedly.

"but one of us isn't here, because we had a blowout in 2032." reggie said, making everyone look over at him quizzically. "my moneys on alex, he's just so sensitive." he said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"so what are we waiting for? let's get rehearsing!" luke said.

"uh, where is alex?" julie asked, making everyone shrug.


the band was currently going over the chords for 'finally free' as they were waiting for alex.

"one more time' luke said, making julie and lily nod their heads.

"oh hey alex," reggie said, making lily look up from her guitar to smile at the boy.

"hey, where have you been, man? we need to start practicing." luke said in alex's direction.

"yeah? for what?"

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