chapter thirteen

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( lily's outfit^^ )

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( lily's outfit^^ )

"i don't know why you guys want these, but ok!" julie said as her and lily were both being asked to take pictures with people.

"thankyou, julie, thanks lily!" the girl, tegan, said as she and her friend walked away after getting photos.

just as lily was about to turn and say something to julie, nick interrupted.

"can i get a selfie too?" he spoke, looking over at julie.

"hey, nick! i'm just gonna... i'm gonna go find flynn." lily said, waving at nick before leaving julie and the boy alone. walking down the corridor, she saw flynn and waved her over.

"hey flynn!" lily said as she approached the girl, a smile on her face.

"hey lils," flynn replied. she was about to say something to lily, but then spotted julie over lily's shoulder. "well that looks like an interesting conversation."

"mmhmm. he came over and asked for a selfie, so i just awkwardly left them alone." lily said, smiling over at the two of them talking.

when the girls saw nick leave, they made their way over to julie.

"well, that wasn't just a 'what's up?'" flynn said, making julie smile at her and lily.

"nick wanted to go on a date." julie said, making flynn and lily gasp. "and i said no." julie finished, making the girls furrow their eyebrows.

"what? why? i thought you liked nick?" lily questioned.

"what?" flynn also said, confused.

"you know what you said." julie spoke to flynn. "the bands getting pretty popular, and if i want to stay in it i have to keep my grades up. i won't have a lot of free time so i figured... why waste nick's time?"

"aww, my baby's all grown up." flynn spoke, making both julie and lily chuckle. "she's choosing to ignore the boy she likes because of her band... but she's all grown up."

"speaking of ignoring boys we like." julie turned to lily, trying to change the subject. lily just tilted her head in confusion. "what's going on with you and luke?"

"ooo, i'm glad you brought that up, jules!" flynn said, making lily roll her eyes with a smile on her face. "while julie is ignoring the boy she likes because of the band, you're choosing to like a boy who doesn't really exist. i don't know who has it harder."

"but he does exist. to me. and he might be just air, but we connect in so many other ways." lily said, trying to ignore the blush she can feel painting her cheeks.

"you are the most watchable duet-ers i've ever seen." flynn said to lily, making julie nod her head in agreement.

"but it's not just singing. when we write, we're both drawing from the same pain." lily said, making flynn frown at the sad look on lily's face.

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