chapter twelve

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on the way home from school, lily had picked up some clothes from her house and a couple of other things that she would need, then both girls made their way to julie's house.

they were going to walk with flynn, but she was getting dropped off later with all the equipment that she would need so the girls just walked by themselves.

lily had an outfit in mind, but then had to change it as julie said she saw some of her moms old clothes that had butterflies on them, and asked if they could go with a butterfly theme so that they could match. lily of course said yes. plus, it was okay because she had quite the obsession with clothes so she knew she had a butterfly shirt somewhere.

when they got home, the girls dropped their stuff off in julie's room and went down to the studio to rehearse for a little while.

lily tried to remember to stay away from luke, just like flynn said. but it was hard. really hard. especially when he flashed her those puppy eyes of his every time she tried to ignore him.

by now, the girls were up in julie's room getting ready.

lily herself had finished getting ready, she was just tying the laces on her black platform doc martens.

she decided to completely have her hair down for once, instead of the usual half up bun she does

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she decided to completely have her hair down for once, instead of the usual half up bun she does. instead, she added in a couple small braids on the side of her head, and added some white butterfly clips that julie had spare.

once she was done, she turned around to face julie, only to see her struggling with her butterfly clips.

"here. i'll help you." lily said to julie as she walked over to her. julie smiled gratefully at her and held her hand open, holding the clips for lily to place into her hair.

"you look pretty. i don't think i've even seen you with your hair completely down before. it looks good." julie said as lily finished adding all the clips to her friends hair.

"thankyou. and i thought i'd do something different tonight. but what about you? you look amazing! i know your mom would be so proud of you, jules." lily said, placing her hands on julie's shoulders from behind and smiling at her through the mirror.

"i miss her." julie said with a small smile, lifting one hand up to place on top of lily's.

"i know. but she's watching you with a huge smile on her face. so let's go out and make her proud, yes?" lily said, making julie nod her head with a smile. 

they both walked downstairs and headed to the studio, surprisingly avoiding most of the people who were outside. they gave flynn a thumbs up and waited for her announce them.

"what's up everybody! time to put your hands up, do a little dance, yup! here's the new anthem, from LJ and the phantoms!" flynn spoke through a mic, moving away from piano when carlos and his friends pulled open the studio doors, revealing julie and lily.

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