chapter ten

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"so, emily's his mom?" julie spoke as she, lily, alex and reggie were all hiding behind plants in the patterson's garden.

"yeah. yeah, luke comes here a lot." alex said, resting his chin on the chair that he was hiding behind.

"he thinks we don't know but... we've been following him." reggie spoke.

lily looked away from her brother and into the house, seeing luke sat on the kitchen counter. he had his knees up to his chest and was crying. seeing him like that broke lily's heart and brought tears to her eyes.

"all he does it just hang out like this and watch them." reggie added in, gazing at luke sadly. "they never really do anything though."

"they're having cake? that's something." lily spoke softly, not taking her eyes off luke.

"it's a... it's a birthday cake. for luke." reggie spoke, and lily felt her heart break for the boy a little bit more.

"i never knew luke was hurting this much." julie whispered as a tear fell down her face.

"yeah. it's even worse because when he died, he left on bad terms. you know, his parents didn't want their 17-year old in a rock band, so he just left. he never got the chance to make up with them." alex said sadly.

"that's why luke was so angry." reggie spoke up, looking towards julie and his sister. "if trevor had given luke credit for writing the songs, then his parents would have known that his dream was worth chasing."

"they would have been so proud." lily whispered through her tears.

they all watched as luke's parent lit a candle on the cake, and then blew it out. luke blew out the candle as well, but his parents couldn't see. the sight made it impossible for the tears to stop rolling down lily's cheeks.

"we know how bad it hurts whenever someone who should have had your back completely let's you down. we never meant to make you guys feel that way." alex said as he stood up behind the bush and faced the two girls.

"lils, julie. we love our band, and luke does too. please give us another chance." reggie spoke as he looked at the girls. as soon as lily and reggie's eyes connected, lily had forgiven him. she had forgiven them. she nodded her head and looked at them both with a sad smile on her face, and saw julie nod her head at the boys as well.


back in the studio, the band (minus luke) were rehearsing finally free.

marching on proud, turn it up loud
cause now we know what we're worth.

lily sang as she held her rhythm guitar in her hands, standing next to julie's keyboard.

before she could sing the next verse, luke poofed into the studio, onto a chair. seeing that lily and julie were there, he immediately jumped up off the chair.

"woah, lils, julie." he said as he looked over at them.

"grab your guitar. we got work to do." julie said with a smile on her face. luke looked at the boys in shock, and they both just smiled at him and shrugged their shoulders.

luke just chuckled and grabbed his guitar, then moved to stand in front on lily, making her tilt her head up slightly.

"what made you guys come back?" he asked the girls, but was mostly looking at lily.

"we realised how important music was to all of us. and we've lost so much already. we can't loose this too." lily softly spoke, making eye contact with luke that neither of them broke for a while.

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