69. X for Xerneas

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Axel was all alone in the dark.

It was so quiet that he thought his brain would hurt— except that he couldn't feel a single thing. It was as if all of his senses were completely blocked off. All that remained was his mind which desperately tried to stay conscious.

Zeraora had warned him of Yveltal, and Axel believed that they could handle the monster. If anything, he had a second plan in motion which involved Froxel and Xerneas.

Everything was perfect in his mind, but now that he had nothing to do but think, it finally dawned on him that there were a lot of assumptions involved in the plan, and that he did not take into account his own well-being.

What if he'll be stuck in stone forever?

Axel did not prepare himself for that. All he thought back then was: how bad could it be? He'll have some alone time while waiting patiently for fate to do its work.

Time to think about future plans, time to think about battle strategies, time to think about random stuff that pops into his brain... He thought he'll be able to deal with the loneliness, only that he wasn't as strong as he hoped to be.

If only he had the power to protect everything and everyone he cared for.

Till that end, no matter how hard he tried, he was just too weak. He couldn't get over his failures. He's just stuck in the sinkhole forever. The more he tried, the more he sank.

Now all he wanted to do is to cuddle up in a corner, sulk until he got better and cry, only that he couldn't do that as well. Or he would like to spend some time with Luna and his Pokémon, or do something he liked and relax— but that was clearly not an option as well.

To be honest, he just missed everyone and everything. He couldn't stand being stuck in this miserably empty void. He wanted to shut off his brain and all those depressing thoughts, but to stop thinking would probably cause his consciousness to slip away— and what if he never wakes up again?

All that worrying threw Axel's mind into a cycle of anxiety, yet there was nothing he could do except to place his faith in Luna and his Pokémon.

He tried to calm his racing mind down. He hoped that his emotions could be channeled into the key stone, so that it could connect to Llade. He hoped that would provide a clue to everyone. He hoped he could see them again.


Stay conscious.

Everything'll be fine...

Or will it?


Please, find Xerneas.

I'm counting on you guys.

Luna had no idea when she started falling for Axel. They started off as simple travelling companions, but the more time they spent together, the more Luna found him to be nice and charismatic in his own ways.

Of course, she never gave it much of a thought. Maybe this was how friends are supposed to be like. You start to admire and like them. Being around Axel always brought a smile to her face. Perhaps it was because of how he always cheered her up with a carefree smile on his face— that his presence made her feel at ease.

But now that he is no longer by her side, Luna found it hard to smile.

Just like before, back in Alola, way before I met him.

It's almost as if I'm nothing without Axel.

She had always wondered how Axel could smile so much. The way he would always stand up every time he falls, growing along the way was so admirable and respectable. He started off way behind her, as a rookie, but he's slowly, but surely, overtaking her.

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