Afterwords & Behind the scenes

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1. Afterwords: thanks for reading!
2. Zeraora corner
3. About Eclipse
4. This book's writing process
5. Cover Analysis
7. After afterwords (is this even a thing?)
7. Important announcements!!!

With this, Volume 3 has come to an end! Now... it's time for the return of the afterwords aka the 'end of the volume corner' aka "chapter where I get to bullshit about everything I want' !!!! Yay!!!!

First of all, thank you so so much for the support over the past 99 chapters! (+1 prologue + 3 epilogues +1 spinoff) this is such a big milestone honestly. I started planning this series at the start of 2020, so that's around... 3 years ago! Wow!
I don't remember when I published the very first chapter, but I do have the date of the reboot I did when we were halfway through KQ1 and I decided to republish the entire book from the start, which was I believe February 9th, 2021. If we count it from there, KQ has been running for two and a half years ish (including the breaks between volumes)! Wow! In commemoration of this 99 chapters (and end of vol3) milestone, I have special announcements! What is it...?

Drumroll please...

I'm not telling you yet! Hurray!

Scroll all the way to the bottom to find out!

Now. Back to where I was.

I remember publishing chapters at a pace of 3 per week, then 2 per week in the middle of KQ1 as a I adjusted to match the pace with Zeraora Chronicles (a last minute decision which worked out in the end so yay?). It was 2 per week for the first few chapters for KQ2, before I switched to the current 1 per week. I'm really sorry for taking so many breaks during KQ 3, but my schedule's been hectic, juggling between writing and my schoolwork plus procrastinating. I usually write at night if I have time to until 2am ish (sometimes past that) when I'm not cramming my studies, so that probably explains my inconsistency. I do try to get them done every week, but 2500-4000 words + 1 drawing every week on top of maintaining my average is no easy task! I'm trying my best!

So! That's it for the thank you and apology section! Let's get to the fun stuff!

We're gonna start with the Zeraora section, okay?

— What was the point of ZC? —

Zeraora Chronicles is a spin-off— one that I wrote with specific reasons in mind.

The main reason was that I had so much thought out about Axel and Zeraora's whole story but it wouldn't fit into the main series, so instead I wrote a short novella on it from Zeraora's pov and only revealing that the two books are related in the end and the stories converge into one. It felt like a fun idea.

But still, why?

I feel like the whole point of that extra bit of their story demonstrates the two's relationship. It might seem irrelevant in Vol 1 and 2, and you might have went 'it's pretty insignificant isn't it. Wow Axel apparently knows a mythical Pokémon and pep talk he gets his confidence back. And Zeraora never appears again either after that. Isn't it more like a one time off plot device that came out of nowhere?'

Throughout volume 2, Zeraora makes background appearances (well get to that in a bit), and in volume3, Zeraora plays a much bigger role, and it will continue to play a large role in Vol 4 as well— which is why I wanted to give this pair more background development, especially Zeraora.

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