79. One Step Ahead

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"The gym battle between Gym Leader Bonnie and challenger Axel is about to begin. This will be a 3 on 3 battle. Whoever makes all 3 of their opponents Pokemon unable to battle will be the winner. Furthermore, the gym leader may not switch her Pokemon over the course of the battle," Clemont announced as Axel and Bonnie took their place on opposing sides of the battlefield, "now, may both trainers send out their first Pokemon!"

"What's that?" Luna asked as she noticed a wristband on Bonnie's wrist.

"A level limiter," Kace explained, "it's to keep the gym system fair. If the gym leaders' Pokemon is 5 levels above the challenger's highest level Pokemon, it automatically adjusts the level difference by lowering it to match the challenger's average Pokemon level." His expression grew serious, "Even so, as much as I recognize Axel to be a formidable trainer, he's way out of Bonnie's league. With the limiter on Bonnie's Pokemon, however, Axel might stand a chance if he goes all out. Bonnie's skill is no joke, I tell you."

Luna looked at Axel, who seemed to understand that Bonnie would be a tough opponent as he hesitated to settle on who to send out first. Having lost to Bonnie once in the past at the battle chateau, he knew that he could not afford to make any mistakes if he wanted to win.

"Dedenne! Spark, on!" She sent out her partner with a confident smile on her face. Her tiny mouse Pokemon landed on the field eagerly, electricity sparking from its cheeks.

"Aburi, I'm counting on you!" Axel threw out his Pokeball at the same time. His Gabite, Aburi landed on the battlefield with a thump, angling its arms in front of it and ready to fight.

"Let the battle commence!" Clemont said.

Axel was the one to take the first move. "Sandstorm!" He certainly had his priorities straight, providing Aburi with its optimum battlefield right from the start. On top of the constant super effective damaging capabilities the move had on Dedenne, Aburi's ability, Sand Veil, increased its evasion speed in the Sandstorm, giving Axel the advantage.

"A ground type Pokemon right from the start," Bonnie observed, "trying to push the early game advantage by disabling my specialty, I see. That's a nice Gabite you've got there! I like that look in its eyes! Lemme play with it later, Axel!" She giggled. Although this was a gym battle, she had no pressure at all.

Bonnie was talkative as always. But Axel wasn't going to let her distract him. As long as he pressed on with super effective attacks using a hit and run technique, he could easily corner Bonnie's Pokemon.

"Dedenne, Super Fang!" She ordered. Its fangs glowed white as it darted through the Sandstorm in a zig zag pattern agilely. Of course, despite being an electric type specialist, she made sure to have a variety of different type moves from her to choose from that can lead her to victory. Super Fang was one of the cards up her sleeve, being able to cut the opponent's HP in half if it hits. Paired with Dedenne's unpredictable movement patterns, it was certainly a move that can apply pressure early in a battle.

Aburi dodged the incoming attack with ease as Dedenne charged at its leg. However, right after missing the attack, Dedenne skid to a stop and immediately changed its direction, landing the Super Fang on Aburi's forearm from behind swiftly.

It's quick. Axel realised as Aburi flung the Antenna Pokemon off. Even its movements... it's been trained to move in a way that is hard to track... kind of like dancing? It's like a performance!

"Aburi! Use Dig!" Axel had no time to waste to set up his upcoming attack. Gabite disappeared underground as it was told.

Yet Bonnie was not fazed at all. Adaptability was her forte, and she hadn't earned her title 'the electric maiden' for nothing. Just like her brother, when it comes to electric types, she was deemed as a genius. "Parabolic Charge!"

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