70. Froxel's Resolve

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Luna squeezed her eyes tight in fear as the multicoloured beam of light shot towards her. Was this the end?

Llade raised its hands to defend Luna, unleashing Psychic on the attack. However, Xerneas' attack overpowered Llade's. It blasted right through Psychic and crashed into Llade at full force, knocking it into the cavern wall.

"Now, this has been a waste of my time. Allow me to take my leave," Xerneas sighed.

Froxel threw blobs of Frubbles at the legendary Pokemon in an attempt to glue it to the ground, but Xerneas simply shook it off like nothing.

"Please listen to us!" Froxel shouted as it pressed its webbed palms onto the ground to regain balance, "we have things that we want to protect as well! So if you're unwilling to listen to humans or Hexa, please at least hear me out!"

"As I've said, I'm not interested in helping. Doing so will not benefit me. Do as you wish, but don't expect me to raise a hoof or anything."

Froxel hesitated. Surely, it would be no match for Xerneas. There's only so much it could do. If it were stronger, maybe it would be able to defend Axel from Yveltal as well back then, and things wouldn't end up this way.

But I don't want to have any regrets, and I don't want to give up this early.

Axel always found himself facing off against opponents that outclassed him, yet he would never back down from a challenge. Froxel found that unbendable spirit of his admirable.

I want to repay his kindness.

Froxel jumped high up into the air with a Water Pulse with a determined glare, "I'll make you listen to me! Face me as an opponent!"

"What? That's reckless!" Luna shouted, "Xerneas—"

"Won't listen to me until I prove my point! That's why I'm gonna fight with everything it takes! I'm indebted to Axel! He's an amazing person who cares a lot about everyone around him to the point that he's willing to sacrifice himself for them! I'll do the same here and put my life on the line for him! So please! Don't interrupt our fight!"

"How foolish of you to think you can defeat me. Very well, entertain me," Xerneas sighed, "If you do as much as land a single hit on me, I'll assist you. However, if I knock you unconscious, that'll be the end of the deal, and you won't get a second chance."

"You're on." Froxel said calmly, bracing itself.

"Also," Xerneas glared at Luna, who was taking out her Pokeballs, "no interruptions. And that applies to you lot too," it regarded Hexa and Llade sternly, "try attacking me and this deal is over regardless of whether your friend over here lands a hit on me."

Luna tucked her Pokeballs away unhappily. It wasn't that she didn't trust Froxel. But if there was anything she could do to help Axel or increase the odds of Froxel winning this bet, she would totally go for it. She couldn't help but to worry about how this match will go: after all, such a heavy burden is placed on Froxel.

The pale blue markings on Xerneas' body became a shade of pale gold, while the bumps on its antlers glowed of the rainbow. Having transformed from its neutral mode to active mode, it was now ready for battle, "very well. You may make the first move."

Froxel kept its eyes on its opponents and crouched, ricocheting off the ground and cavern wall at great speed with Acrobatics, aiming for Xerneas' blind spot. Xerneas quickly leaped out of the way gracefully. A rainbow coloured wave pulsed from where it landed, causing flowers to bud and bloom instantly.

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