Chapter VIII: Number One

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                      Mayari Sekani Thompson

When I woke up I smelled breakfast. Well I woke up because I smelled breakfast.

I sit and look to my right and Messiah is gone. Maybe he went home to get changed for school.

I get up and go to my bathroom taking off all my clothes and hopping in the shower.

As sad as it may sound, i'm happy about last night. Mostly about him confiding in me.

I do all my other hygiene things and I get dressed. I take my bonnet off revealing my thirty inch black haired lace. I straighten it then put the top half up and leave the bottom down. I grab everything I need for school out my room then I head for the kitchen.

"Hey baby!" My mom says putting a plate of food on the kitchen island then staring at me.

"Mayari...why is your hand wrapped up?"

I sit down in front of the plate of food, I say my grace and start eating.

I thought she noticed last night and decided not to say anything.

"I punched some kid in the face because he slapped my butt." She looks at me for a second then nods her head.

"I'm glad you defended yourself. Why you didn't tell me?" She asks putting her hands on her hips.

"I thought you'd freak out." I say shrugging. My phone buzzes against the counter when I pick it up it's a message from Messiah saying he's coming to pick me up. I send him an 'okay' and put my phone back down.

My mom sighs. "I wish things like that didn't happen to you. I'm just glad you defended yourself." She comes to the side I'm on and kisses my forehead before giving me a tight hug.

"Now, time for the real business. Messiah and you...??" My mom says rubbing her hands together, sounding like sand paper.

"Are friends. That's it, that's all."

"Yep cuz all of my male friends and I definitely slept like this together." She says showing me a picture of the two of us last night. Messiah was sleeping in between my legs his head was on my boobs and he looked comfortable.

"Momma you creepy. I gotta go, I love you." I say kissing her cheek.

"Keeping memories to show my grandchildren. I love you too, be safe."

I shake my head and walk to the front door, closing and locking it behind me. When I get closer to the car I notice someone in the front seat so I just sit in the back.

"Ugh finally, let's go babe." Cynthia says to Messiah as her nails clack against her phone.

Guess they got back together this morning...good for them.

After the short drive to school Messiah parks in his usual spot and Tj pulls up a few seconds after us. I get out and start walking towards the school because I need to speak with my counselor. On my way inside the main building I see a familiar face sitting on a bench.

I sit down right next to him and he looks at me with a smile taking out one of his air pods.

"Wassup beautiful?" He asks me with that same pearly white smile.

"Nothing, really. I just wanted to make sure you was ready for the game tonight." I say standing up and his eyes follow my movements.

"Stay ready, you ain't gotta get ready baby." He says standing up. This nigga kind of tall.

"Yeah okay." I say starting to walk away. He walks next to me typing something on his phone then putting it in his pocket.

"Where we going?" He puts his hand on my lower back and moved me in front of him while we try moving through some people.

"My counselors office. Why are we going anyway? Shouldn't you be going to class?"

"I'll make sure you get to your class first then i'll go to mine." He says I smile a little and nod my head.

I wonder how he's been playing all season here and i've been to every basketball game, yet I never noticed him.


It's the fourth quarter of the basketball game and there's only thirty seconds left.

We are leading by thirty-five points. To my surprise majority of the points were made by Demitri.

During the game after he made his like fifth three point shot he pointed his index and middle finger to his eyes then out towards mine, asking if i'm watching. And of course that made people look at me and they made noises like Wii characters.

When I focus back on the game there's only ten seconds left. And one of Demitri's teammates dribble the ball and pass it to Demitri. Demitri shoots it from the three point line and makes it in right before the buzzer goes off.

Everybody on our side cheers loudly as the teams clap hands with one another. Demitri comes over to me with a rag on his head, sweating so much he could fill a five feet pool.

"How bad was I?" He asks taking the rag off his head and drinking a bottle of water that looks freezing cold. It look good.

"You were terrible. I had higher hopes." I say crossing my arms shaking my head in disappointment.

"Then lemme make it up to you for my bad performance. Me and some people from school going to Tito's tonight. I want you to come with me." He says pushing the hair I had down in the back behind my shoulder.

My stomach feeling weird. Can he stop staring at me like that?

"Yeah i'll go." I say rubbing my glossy lips together. His eyes follow my lips movement and he does the same thing to his. We stare at each other for a few seconds until I hear someone clear their throat. I turn to see Messiah, Tj, Cynthia, and Tj's baby mama Alyssa.

"Imma go change then we can go, okay beautiful?" He says smiling at me not even paying attention to the looky loos next to us.

"Okay, i'll wait by your car." I say with a smile of my own. He nods and walks away.

"OkAy i'll WaIt By YoUr CaR." Tamris says mocking me.

"Mind your business, Tamris Jackson." He kisses his teeth and I go grab my stuff, eventually meeting everyone outside.

When I get there we start walking to their cars.

"Who was that? What y'all was talking bout?" Messiah asks me crossing his arms over his chest mugging the hell out of me. Cynthia just rolls her eyes.

"A friend. I'm going to Tito's tonight to celebrate." I answer leaning against Tj car.

"We going to Tito's tonight? I'm down let's gooo." Tj said dancing salsa. I said IM not we.

I see Demitri going towards his car which is a few cars down from Tj's and Messiah's.

"Well I'm leaving. See y'all later."

As I walk away I feel someone grab my arm. I look at the hand then up at Messiah's face.

"You dating that nigga, Mayari?" He asks me staring me right in my eyes. Why does he look mad?

"No, Messiah. Why would it matter anyway?" I ask him. He stares at me for a little longer then let's go. As he turns around to walk away he mumbles "It doesn't."

Okay then.

"Ready, beautiful?" Demitri asks me once I get to the car door he's holding open for me.

"Yep, I'm ready."

                                 To Be Continued...
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