XLI: More To It

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Trying to recover is hard. Recovering from anything at all relationship problems, work problems, school problems, family problems. Mayari was happy on the outside but on the inside she was conflicted.

Yes she felt a lot of emotions but everytime someone asked she just assured them she was fine. Her first time breaking down was in that argument between her and Messiah at her apartment and even then she still got herself together pretty quickly again.

It's not that she didn't have great friends or an amazing relationship with her mom but just the fact that her brain liked to block out her trauma. Therefore, she never really spoke on anything that bothered her especially to her friends who had problems of their own. Like right now she is sitting with everyone in Messiah's living room, everyone expect Jaylen, Tj, and Messiah. They were all just talking and somewhat venting to each other about any and everything.

"So Jaylen said fuck us? He got a boo and don't remember who is family is? I'm finna check his location." Aoi says her accent slipping in with every other word.

"Do you know who his boo is Jamor?" Mayari asks while Messiah and Tj walk into the apartment holding the wings and pizza boxes they went to go pick up.

"Nah he says the guy isn't out yet. Whatever that means." He shrugs not even letting Messiah put down the pizza before opening the box on top in Messiah's face. "Calm down hungry hungry hippo. It ain't going nowhere." Messiah mugs his before putting the boxes down. Jamor flicks him off going to grab a slice of pizza anyway.

"Nigga it means the ain't out the closet yet." Tj says. Jamor looks even more dumbfounded.

"He fucking with a nigga stuck in a closet or just choosing to stay in it? Either way that's odd as fuck maybe he need to see a therapist. Get that checked out."

"And maybe you need to see a fucking textbook. And actually read it." Aoi rolls her eyes coming back from washing her hands in the kitchen, Mayari right behind her.

"Jamor, bestie, he means the guy he is messing with isn't openly gay. As in, he hasn't told his family and friends." Jamor nods slowly putting all her words into a complete sentence.

He smacks his lips, "So why y'all niggas beat around the bush? Could've said that from the jump dumbasses." Everyone ignores him at this point. They don't know if he is just actually mental challenged or purposefully stupid. Either way conversations with him went no where half the time.

"I think I have a suspicion i'm not gonna lie. But I also think it's not my place to even suspect anything." Mayari says and Alyssa nods along with her checking the baby monitor set up in Tahir's room. Messiah had designated a whole room for him even decorating it to fit a typical baby's room. He treated his god father position very seriously.

"Who do you think it is?" Tj wondered. None of the boys had a clue who it could be. They weren't very preceptive on things that didn't include the streets.

"I'll wait for him to tell us. I don't want to speculate." Mayari says with a little smile.

Everyone had started to talk about something else when Mayari's phone started to ring. When she looked down it was an unsaved number, for some reason she felt the need to answer it so she did.

"Hello?" It was quiet for a few seconds until she heard a deep voice speak.

"Mayari please just hear me out." Messiah grabbed the phone out her hand and put it to on speaker not saying anything.

"I only met up with her that day because my mom had invited her to come to the crib. We took a picture and we did mess around that night that is why I couldn't come over to pick you up and stay the night with me...the day of the dinner I stepped out cuz I could feel my phone vibrating in my pocket, when I checked it was her. I told her to leave me alone but uh...she said she was pregnant and it's mine. From when we previously messed around. I'm sorry I'm not even sure if the baby really mine...Mayari say something please?" Everyone was quiet, including Mayari. A baby? That sure is gods timing and plan right there.

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