Chapter X: The Most Beautiful

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Messiah King Wallis

After the thirty minute drive from Tito's house to Mayari's, we'd finally arrived.

I don't see mama Mell's car in the parking lot so that must mean she isn't here. Thankfully. I don't know how i'd be able to explain this to her right now.

I turn off my car and get out, making my way over to Mayari in the passenger side. She fell asleep pretty much right after we left. I don't know how she got like this but when I find out i'm killing somebody and they family.

Even though I ain't obligated to do anything for Yari, I feel like I should. Ever since we was young people was always on Mayari. Mostly on the way she look.

Older niggas, even grown men was tryna sleep with her when we was like fucking nine. Shit was disgusting. So I just always be there for her. Almost every fight i've been in has been about some nigga harassing Mayari.

But that was when I used to fight. Now I just kill them.

"Come on pretty." I whisper to her picking her up. She gets comfortable wrapping her legs around my body, her arms go around my neck, her head lays gently on my shoulder.

I close her door and lock my car. As we make our way through the main floor to the elevator, I put one hand on her butt because her dress is riding up and the other on her back rubbing circles on it.

After our short elevator ride to her floor I walk us to the door and pull out my spare key. I only have a spare key for emergencies, my mom has one too.

We get in and I close it behind us and lock it. Yari starts moving around in my arms making me almost drop her, her heels and her purse.

Quickly I walk into her room and close the door. As i'm putting her down on her bed I feel her pull my hair with her.

"Yari, that shit hurts bro let go." She ignores me and just stares at me.


Why does she look like she's about to cry?

She lets go and stumbles as she gets up and walks to her bathroom.

"Mayari let me help you." I start following after her but she puts up her left hand telling me to stop.

"Thankkk youuu for bringing my home back. But you should go mow your lawn before I speak the unspoken." She says making it seems like her hand is the one speaking.

Is it crack? Is it crack that she smoked?

"We tell each other everything Yari. I'm sure I know whatever unspoken thing your going on about." I say walking past her and starting the tub water.

"You donut." She mumbles.

"Then can I know if you answer my question first?" She nods hesitantly.

"Was you drinking at that party earlier?"

She looks at me like i'm the dumbest person ever as she sits by the sink on the counter, leaning her head on the mirror.

"Nooooo. No drinking, no smoking. I'm feeling gooooood that's all." She says putting both her thumbs down while nodding her head with a cute smile.

I laugh a little at her shaking my head. "I'll ask again later. Tell me your secret now."


"I'll find out anyway. You can shower by yourself right?"

The most i've seen of Mayari's body is when she wearing a bathing suit. And even then she wears like dresses that goes over the bathing suit. I don't know, she says I don't get it cuz i'm not "that girl".

I think it's better that way I hate a binocular eyes ass nigga. She don't be noticing but I do.

"Myyyy zipppp."She slurs getting down from the sink while trying to keep her balance. She walks towards me with this look on her face. She looks good.

She turns and I pull the zipper down. Stopping right under her pierced back dimples.

"When you got these?" I ask her pressing down a little on them, she shivers and her back arches the slightest bit.

"Early birfday present to me, myself and I. Don't tell my mother, I'll be deadst by noon." She says in a british accent.

"Yes ma'am. Now go sober up." I say lightly slapping the side of her thigh.

"Butt crack the door." She says sliding the dress off her body.


I turned around fast as a motherfucking fuck and crack the door open behind me once I leave the bathroom.

I look down towards my jeans and see a mild boner.

Did I really just get hard after seeing a glimpse of her naked body? I feel like i'm thirteen again, getting hard just from looking at a women.

I've never seen those back dimple piercings before, I don't think anyone has. But I've seen Mayari's back before so why is my dick getting harder from me just thinking about it?

"Siahhhhhh! Helppppp."

I move my dick hiding the boner better. I take bout ten deep breaths and walk into the bathroom with my head down and closed eyes.

"Can you keeppp me company?"

This is confirmation she's still under a influence. Sober Yari would probably murder me if I was in the bathroom with her while she's fully naked.

"Of course pretty. Update me on yo life. Since I obviously don't know shit bout you anymore."

I hear water swish around and her take a deep breath.

"My dimple piercings I got by myselffff just cuz. I put my two weeks forrrr my second job. I'm just gonna start doing hair andddd keep my first job. I like coloring and Alfredo." She says and I can tell she's smiling all pretty like.

I love her smile. It's always so bright and warm. It feels like it draws me in.

"Do you think i'm ugly?" She asks out of nowhere making my eyes open wide. I go toward the sink and lean against it, keeping my head down.

"I doubt you remember but at my sixth birthday party everybody was playing and having fun but I wasn't because my mom said that you couldn't come. I remember being so fucking mad that I refused to talk to anyone. Then you showed up three hours late dragging two bags that were bigger than your body." I sigh, this shit embarrassing to even think bout let alone talk about.

"You was looking for two specific things I always used to talk about. You were wearing a pinky puffy dress that matched my shorts...I said all that to say when I saw you come through the door in that puffy pink dress and that bright ass smile on your face the only thing that came to my mind was one word. "Pretty". Hence the nickname."

She doesn't say anything but I hear sniffles a few seconds later. "Thank you, I didn't even remember that till now." She sounds better now.

"Can you bring me some clothes? Are you staying the night? I need water."

"Yeah and Can I?"

"Since when have you ever needed to ask?"

She's not wrong, I can't remember the last time I asked to stay the night.

I get her the water and clothes then I leave to go shower in the guest bathroom. When I come back Total Drama Island is playing and she's under her comforter completely sleep.

I turn the tv timer on and get under the comforter with her. I carefully bring her closer to me, her fat ass head on my bare chest and her upper body is against mine. One hand is on my chest the other under her chin and one leg is in between my legs.

Mayari Sekani Thompson is the most beautiful women I have ever seen. I'll never think she's ugly.

To Be Continued...

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