Damaged or new fashion of the Underworld?

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V. Damaged or new fashion of the Underworld?

'Well, start Orion." Poseidon told his son who was only staring at the title blinking. "Orion?" still no reply he only looked over at his brother, flinched and turned back to the book.

"Allow me." Theseus said as he grabbed the book from his brother, but then he also froze when spotting the title.

"They certainly reacted positive to the title." Nathan whispered sarcastically to Luke who nodded while looking at his uncles who looked now like statues.

"Would someone finally start reading?" demanded Zeus as Perses jumped down from his mother's lap and climbed into Theseus's lap who was still holding the book and was staring at it perplexed.

"The title is My Mother Teaches me Bullfighting, cool, mum can you do that to?" Perses asked his mother before heading back to her, Andromeda only shook her head at this, face pale.

"Please don't let it be him, please don't let it be him..." Poseidon chanted in worry while Theseus handed the book carefully back to his brother, his face green and worried for his brother, he didn't even notice Dionysus anymore, his mind to far gone.

"Lovely, looks as if young Percy meets my brother-in-law or one should say bull-in-law, courtesy of his own father and defeated before for the first time by one of his brothers." the God said at which everyone who knew the legend or were grasping it had gone slightly pale then green.

"The gods really are in need of new hobbies or anger management classes." Chris whispered to his brothers who nodded.

"Orion, read the chapter." Misty said to the hero who reluctantly nodded, but no words come out of his mouth.

"Are you sure that you have not inherited Charmspeak from your mom?" Lance whispered to Michael who shook his head, but then Gwen looked over at Orion.

"Orion, please start reading the chapter so that we all can hear it, no more gapping." Gwen finished and the hero sat straighter while the girl let out a relieved sigh, she rarely used her inherited ability because she was not the best at it seeing how at the Roman camp you rarely used such abilities.

We tore through the night along dark country roads. Wind slammed against the Camaro. Rain lashed the wind shield. I didn't know how my mom could see anything, but she kept her foot on the gas.

"Now that is how you're supposed to drive," Ares said grinning while both Apollo and Hephaestus rolled they eyes at him.

"And this is why your chariot always lands in my workshop in pieces." Hephaestus said mentally shuddering at the memories when he gets handed the pile of broken wood and steel which used to be a chariot, sometimes three times in the course of a week. If it was a lucky one that is...

"And this is why you always land in my infirmary in pieces." Apollo added in, by the current stand of things did he not even need to look to know what he needed to reset, bind, clean and disinfect on his brother when he gets brought in.

"You two just don't appreciate the ecstasy of speeding." Ares replied huffing at his siblings before turning to his daughter and grandson. "You two know what I'm talking about." he told them.

"Well, yes we do grandfather" Ace started before his mother could reply "my parents have kind of a new record with getting you and your vehicle into the infirmary and workshop after your accidents." he finished at which Ares blinked at him while both Apollo and Hephaestus high-fived each other, smirking at they brother who was now pouting before Orion started continuing.

Every time there was a flash of lightning, I looked at Grover sitting next to me in the backseat and I wondered if I'd gone insane, or if he was wearing some kind of shag-carpet pants.

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