Let's play fetch

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A/N: Here's the newest chapter! Sorry for not updating earlier in the day. Can you believe it we're only 4 chapters away from finishing TLT! After that updates will be slow because I haven't finished the Sea of Monsters chapters yet. Both me and KryptonWrites have been very busy. I am currently on Summer Break in the US but I have classes and am focusing on multiple fics at once. On the other hand, Krypton Writes lives an ocean away and thus is currently busy with school.  All these circumstances has made it difficult to work on the chapters.

Also here will be the theme regards the Crusades brought up, and other aspects so don't feel offended by those sentences or just skip them. I gave info about the fact that it will stand in the fic anything that happens after is your doing.

Next Chapter. 19. There you have it- 07/25/23

XVIII. Let's play fetch

Persephone could really not understand why some people looked pale, Cerberus was a cute dog, sure he was also a vicious guardian, that she admits, but seeing how the three will be alive in the future they got through. Also she was starting to have a guess why Athena's daughter may be visiting them sometimes on her own, at lest will she get over her prejustice towards her husband.

We stood in the shadows of Valencia Boulevard, looking up at gold letters etched in black marble: DOA RECORDING STUDIOS.

"Those two colours usually look really elegant together." Silena mused to herself, but she guessed that here this was partly to represent that Lord Hades was both the God of Death and Riches.

Underneath, stenciled on the glass doors: NO SOLICITORS. NO LOITERING. NO LIVING.

"The last part can not be seen by mortals." Henry pointed out with a grin.

"I would be worried if they could see it." Will said as the others nodded their heads in agreement.

It was almost midnight,

"The best time to want for someone to go to the Underworld." Silena said with a shudder.

"Thank you for the reminder." Annabeth said, she was still worried about meeting Cerberus.

but the lobby was brightly lit and full of people. Behind the security desk sat a tough-looking guard with sunglasses and an earpiece.

En grinned at the mentioning of her granduncle.

I turned to my friends. "Okay. You remember the plan."

Annabeth said, "What happens if the plan doesn't work?"

"We can only hope that it works, whatever it is." Malcolm told his sister.

"Don't think negative."

"Right," she said. "We're entering the Land of the Dead, and I shouldn't think negative."

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, mostly those who had been down there.

I took the pearls out of my pocket, the three milky spheres the Nereid had given me in Santa Monica. They didn't seem like much of a backup in case something went wrong.

Those who knew what those pearls could do started grinning; they were a good enough backup to get away.

Annabeth put her hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry, Percy. You're right, we'll make it. It'll be fine."

"Good, think positive." Gwen said encouragingly though Poseidon, Athena and Pan still looked slightly pale. The only ground Dionysus was calm was because he knew that his uncle was fair in most of his regards, beside that according to the legacies being here and mentioning all three in the present tense they got out.

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