Not as good as it sounds

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A/N: As promised here is the newest chapter, which is a bit late. I planned to publish it early in the morning but other things got in the way.

Next Chapter- Has someone Valium? 07/11/23.

XVI. Not as good as it sounds

The twin sons of Ares were still out cold while the others sitting outside were waiting for the Queen of Heavens to continue with her reading, when no sound was heard after the title, they guessed that those inside started talking about something.

"To bad that we can't hear their conversations, well beside the extremely loud screams on occasions that is." Poros told the others.

"It would be really nice to know what the options of those on the inside are." Iris agreed when from the corner of her eyes she spotted something gray moving. "Morpheus, what are you doing?" she asked the dream god as that kneeled down between the still out cold brothers.

"Nothing, only a little pay-back for a small incident not long ago, don't worry it will be nothing harmful." he told her with a grin as he took out a small ball of dark blue light, he received from Epiales and placed it on Phobos's forehead where it dissolved, then the second ball with a tinge of crimson in the blue light given to him by Icelos was placed on Deimos. The gods watched curiously as the twins faces started frowning.

"You babysitted him too much." Nemesis whispered to Eris who beamed at her nephew who was slowly making his way over to them.

"As did you, I'm so proud." Eris replied beaming as the reading finally started again.

The war god was waiting for us in the diner parking lot.

"Well, well," he said. "You didn't get yourself killed."

"Way to start the obvious dad." Adrestia said while rolling her eyes before she turned over to her sister Harmonia who was sitting beside her. "Nia, stop looking so worried those two will be fine." she told the other.

"Are you sure about that?" she asked while her gaze flickered back to her two brothers who slowly started sweating, and it took much to make a god sweet.

"Yep, those two need to be on occasions put into their place, as the one who represents harmony you should also know that sis." Adrestia said as the other nodded her head in understanding before proceeding to hug her sister who let out a little laugh at that, she still wondered how her father managed to have her with their mother Aphrodite, but she did not complain, she would keep her safe from herm or sadness.

"You knew it was a trap," I said.

The listeners could not help themselves, of course he would know that his brother would eventually figure out their new dating place and set up traps. The usual question tends to be what kind of trap?

Ares gave me a wicked grin. "Bet that crippled black smith was surprised when he netted a couple of stupid kids.

"Of course would he be surprised, usually the two of you go to places where the mortals don't or only rarely." Pothos said while sneaking a glance at Phobos who seemed to be having a nightmare of some sorts, he was not sure, but he thought that he had heard his name a few seconds ago spoken by him. It was probably his imagination.

You looked good on TV."

"Well, they probably did." whispered Horme to Hedone who needed to agree, this was one of the situations which sound bad when they happen, but later on become a funny tale to tell.

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