Chapter 2: Yazus

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Yazus hated being eight hours younger than his sister Yazmina, they weren't born close enough to be called twins and born far enough apart that Yazmina would be the rightful ruler of the Dominon clan after their father passed on. If they had been born as twins they would have had the psychic connection and rule the clan together.

The thought of his sister being the leader of their clan sickened him, the way she carried on with her sex slaves, the orgies she hosts on a nightly basis, the filthy language used and copious amounts of alcohol she consumed, how could their king ever think she was fit to rule.

I should be the one to rule thought Yazus, I'm the one who goes to all the meetings, who takes care of the kings affairs and manages the day to day of running the largest clan in the demon hierarchy and ruling of all clans within their realm.

The Dominon clan has ruled the hierarchy for thousands of years, they have always been the biggest and are known for being a firm clan but a fair one. I'm firm but fair he thought to himself and that's the kind of leader I would have been if I was born before Yazmina.

Yazus laid on his bed and stared at the ceiling imagining all the changes he would make if he were the ruler, if he was the one who made the rules and passed judgement, first thing he would do is outlaw sex slaves, he found the whole thing barbaric, demons should only be intimate with their one true mate, yes it was known that demons were lustful beings until such time as they bedded their mate but his sister took lustful to a whole new level and he despised it.

He cursed his sister and her behaviour at dinner, he hated the way she pouted with her arms crossed and her resting bitch face ever present, then the way she talked to our father, the king. Yazuz saw the look of sadness on his father's face and knew Yazmina was giving him a hard time about finding a mate.

If I were king thought Yazus I would make all single demons find a mate, if they refused I would choose the mate for them, that's what it means to rule, making the best choices for your people, whether they agree or not and if Yazmina ever gave him any attitude like she does their father then he would simply pluck her eyes out, cut off her horns and leaving her disfigured, then he would give her to the Venom Demons, the most vile and sadistic demon faction.

The thought of a disfigured Yazmina being chained up to a wall and violated over and over again made him smile, that's exactly what she deserves he muttered aloud. He was basking in this warm thought as he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"Fuck off" yelled Yazus as the loud knocking on his door continued, he heard it stop and sighed with relief then the knocking started again, god dammit Yazus muttered and stood up he slipped on his long purple velvet robe and said "christ come in before you take my fuckin door off".

He looked at his sateling servant and said "what is so important that you come banging on my door like a madman". Yazus looked at Jalob with disgust, he had been given this sateling as a gift when he was younger and of course Yazmina got two sateling servants since she was going to be the future queen.

Jalob disgusted him, not only was he the bastard of a demon mother and a filthy satyr father most crossbreed abominations have at least some human features from the waist up but his servant was fur all over, only the skin around his nipples was visible and of course he never wore any clothes since his body was already covered in brown wiry fur with knots clumping up in the middle where his disgusting cock and furry ass met.

The servant bowed and said in a meek voice "the king wishes to meet with you right away in his parlour, he says it's urgent, he ordered me to knock on your door till you woke". Yazus sighed, he was so not in the mood for one of his father urgent meetings, which were usually never urgent he was just an impatient dick.

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