Chapter 12: Yazmina

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Yazmina could feel her hands shaking, but her hands never shook she thought, the odd weapon she held in her hand felt foreign to her and she didn't understand exactly what it was but she did recognize a pointy end when she saw one and that was something she did understand.

The male she currently held in place with the foreign object smelled familiar, his scent of forest with underlying salt water tones momentarily left her stunned, where did she know that sent from she wondered to herself. She quickly shook the thought from her head and began to speak slowly and menacingly. Where the fuck am I and who the fuck are you.

She was surprised when the male in front of her started to laugh, she pushed the unknown object harder against his throat, his laughing became quieter but hadn't completely stopped. A horrible thought entered her mind, what if he was a dribbler, her kind weren't allowed to hurt dribblers, after all it isn't their fault their minds are soft and they become mewling beasts prone to uncontrollable fit of laughter. She slowly began to move the object away from his throat, she couldn't stop a gasp of surprise when the male turned around and grabbed her by the wrist.

She felt her breath hitch when she came face to face with the male in front of her, he was taller that she thought, when he stood up he was looking down at her not by much but enough that it bothered her, the only one who ever was big enough or brave enough to look down at her was her father, the others usually knelt on one knee when she walked by.

She watched as the male made his way around the weird chamber with the odd pictures on the walls and the awful colours that filled the room, she noticed an armoire that was  light brown almost the colour of baby demonlings droppings, she chuckled to herself. She was impressed that he could move around the whole room while never letting go of her wrist and holding the foreign object away from him. She was shocked when the male began to speak.

"Were you seriously going to try and kill me with same tiny pair of scissors I trim my ball hairs with" he said still laughing. Yazmina couldn't understand every word he said but she did recognize that he was laughing about her choice of weapon. I won't make that mistake again she thought, next time she will have a bigger pointed end to kill him with.

Once they were standing face to face she watched as he took his hand that wasn't holding her wrist and took the weapon from her hand, once she got a look at it she understood his laughter. it was the smallest pointy object she had ever seen. She looked back at him with anger and defiance and asked this time in a calmer tone "who the fuck are you and where the fuck am I".

She was confused when the male didn't answer her but looked at her with confusion on his face, she heard him say something but couldn't quite understand all the words. What the fuck was happening, why can I only understand some of what he saying. 

She understood she was in the poison realm and then it dawned on her, she had never been to the poison realm and what she knew of this place was from the stories other demons and other worldly creatures who had travelled there and back. She tried hard to remember what they're stories were about, they talked about how weak they were, how they depended on something called gums or guns, she couldn't remember what the term was just that the poison realm dwellers were weak.

She got the sense that this one was not weak, even though his small frame and shaggy hair screamed demonling slave, his height was impressive, he had to be at least 6 feet tall, not a lot of muscle but not scrawny either, his figure intrigued her. What was it about him that stopped her from taking out her wings and ending his life. She felt for the familiar weight of her wings, her stomach dropped and she couldn't hide the look of distress that came across her face.

She heard the weakling start to speak and could understand he was talking in a tone of concern, she had to calm her mind to focus on what she he was saying. She could think of only only one thing she wanted to say "where are my wings?" She had meant it come out in her demanding demoness voice and was mortified when a quieter voice had escaped her lips.

Dylan looked at her with concern, he knew she was upset or mad or both but her heavy accent and odd words made it hard to understand her, he did manage to catch the words.. my wings. 

Wings thought Dylan, suddenly he felt he should have taken her to the hospital instead of his dorm room, what if this woman was certifiable, a nut job, so far nothing he's seen has told him other wise, except for a feeling, something that aroused as soon as he caught her scent.

Yazmina looked at the male looking at her and felt annoyance, who was this weakling male who was staring at her with confusion and longing and why couldn't she look away. She froze when he took her by the hand and led her to the couch she slowly sat down never taking her eyes off the male. The cushion she sat upon was soft, too soft she felt panic as her body sank into the cushion and she immediately sat up and moved to the edge.

She looked around at the room again, she reached out and touched the cushion she was sitting on, its so soft, nothing in her castle, kingdom or world was ever this soft, this didn't sit well with her, if something was soft then it wasn't strong, and strength is the only thing that matters.

As she sat looking around the strange room and feeling the male's eyes observing her, she didn't feel strong, was the poison world draining her strength, no, nope she thought, it wasn't going to happen. She felt a hand on her shoulder and whirled around fist cocked ready to strike. She swung hard and was surprised when the males hand shot out and caught her by the wrist.

"Stop" Dylan said to her, he was getting tired of her trying to hit him, not that he was worried about it getting hurt but if she was a nut job he didn't want her getting riled up even more.

Yazmina's mouth dropped open in shock then she felt her familiar and comforting anger rise in her again. Did this weakling male just tell her to stop, her Yazmina queen of the demons and demon realm, he would regret that action, she would make sure of it. She shot him a look filled with fury and was happy to see him recoil slightly. 

She watched as the male put out his hand, its was odd, no scales, no markings just smooth cream coloured skin. She found herself reaching back to him with her own scaled hand, she almost screamed when she looked at her own hand, where were her beautiful scales, where were all her markings and runes and symbols she had earned over the centuries. Yazmina realized with dread where she really was, she was in hell, not the demon hell of her realm, a hell of the worse kind, a mortal hell, what else could it be.

She felt fury rise higher in her and one named echoed in her head over and over stoking each ember of fury. Yazsus!!!!

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