Chapter 17: Yazmina

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Worst adventure ever, thought Yazmina who usually loved exploring new lands and going on adventures but this realm was not an adventure it was pure hell, no not hell thought Yazmina, she had been to hell or at least one of its realms and this place was so much worse.

She walked along with Dylan allowing him to put his arm around her, she wasn't sure why he did it but it seemed to make him feel better and for some strange reason she felt better too, fine whatever thought Yazmina, as long as they were heading towards the beach and she could get away from this nightmare realm.

She took in all her new surrounding with a mix of awe and disgust, the lights and the noise of this land were too loud and they had wheeled contraptions that move around and can apparently hurt you.

Her thought then turned to Dylan the handsome mortal who currently had his arm around her shoulders, she had never been touched this way and knew she should be repulsed by it but she found herself enjoying this gesture. What the hell is wrong you she screamed to herself silently.

She was not one for  touching unless it was of a sexual nature and then it was on her command when someone touched her yet this male not only touched her without her permission but he made her enjoy it.

He had to be from another realm maybe the sorcery realm or worse what if he was from the wicked half breed realm, it had to be one of them thats  the only way she could rationalize letting this male touch her in such a possessive manner, he has put a hex on her!

As they walked she listened to the creatures on the street talking and by the time they stopped walking she knew she had learned enough to be able to talk to them better.

"Why have we stopped?" she asked turning towards Dylan. She looked at the sign they had stopped in front of it was so bright and some feathery looking creature on it, it reminded her of the winged creatures they feed the demon dogs but this creature didn't have a tail, maybe their demon dogs don't eat the tail she thought to herself.

"I'm starving" said Jenna then she continued "we have an hour or so before nightfall so we got time to eat". Without waiting for anyone Jenna went inside.

Yazmina looked at Dylan with confusion in her face, she tried to speak but got lost for words when she looked up at him and he was smiling at her, damn he was a handsome beast and she found her self wishing she could run her hands through his shoulder length hair.

She pictured he self running her hands all over his body, touching his chest then slowly working her way down, she suddenly snapped out of her delicious thought, what the hell is wrong with me she thought why was she having these thoughts, he was poison world dweller, a filthy powerless human, yet he was possessing her to the point where she was having explicit thoughts about him. He has to be a sorcerer.

"This is a restaurant, a place to eat" she heard Dylan explain "you do eat right"?
Yazmina did not. At least not like they would expect her to, demons didn't need to eat, or drink to live  but most demons enjoyed doing both as all demons had lust for life and warring and fucking. This was well known through all the realms.

Yazmina could not imagine eating anything that came from a creature like the one on the sign, no way she did not eat demon dog food, she was a queen.

She let Dylan lead her into the building and right away she smelled something that made her turn her nose up, she watched with disgust as people all around her were tearing into the meat and licking at their fingers. "This is so wrong" she muttered aloud.

"Did you say something"? Dylan asked her. When Yazmina shook her head no he gave her a puzzled look but led her to the table that Jenna was sitting at. Yazmina sat down and immediately noticed how small the chair was, she was used to large thrones and high back chairs that were at least 7 feet tall.

She thought she would crush it when she sat down then remembered she wasn't her usual size or her usual species, just a weak human, this thought made her feel anger and something else she didn't understand, something that felt heavier than her anger. She pushed the heavy feeling aside and focused on her anger.

"No time for all this" Yazmina said with a noticeable tone of anger in her voice, she had enough of listening and taking orders, she needed to control the situation and get home. "We need to get going, I need to get back home, I am a queen and my kingdom needs me!" she was so lost in in her anger that she was unaware of the looks she was getting from the tables around her.

She snapped her head towards Dylan when he grabbed her arm "Holy hell, keep it down" he hissed at her and continued "you keep yelling and acting like that they will call the cops then you'll never get home or to wherever the hell it is you wanna go". Yazmina studied the look on his face, she had never seen his face look so strong, the muscles in his jaw pulsed and the fierce look of anger that was in his eyes gave her pause, oh not good Yaz she thought to herself as she removed Dylan's hand from her arm.

Jenna watched this interaction and couldn't help but wonder if there was something to what Yazmina was saying, of course Jenna didn't think she was a demon or from another realm but she did get the sense that their was part truth to what she was saying, and what about Dylan's reaction. She had never seen him act like that, he was usually so calm and never really got excited but now he had a beastly look in her eyes that made her slightly uneasy, she wracked her brain for a way to lighten the mood. 

"So were getting the food to go then, chicken for the road"? Jenna said in a upbeat tone, she felt relief when Dylan turned towards her and she saw his normal mellow and relaxed face. The sooner we get this over with the better Jenna thought.

Jenna placed an order to go and Yazmina watched her interact with the person who approached their table, she watched Jenna smile and talk to the person in pleasant tone and watched the person nod at her in understanding. Yazmina couldn't help but be impressed at how easy Jenna could talk with these poison dwellers she almost admired it, she gave her head a small shake as if to shake away the thought, she didn't admire, what the hell is happening to me Yazmina thought and for the first time in her life she felt a touch of fear creep into her.

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