Chapter 13: Dylan

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The more he observed his this odd woman in his dorm room the more he was sure he would be taking her to the hospital after all. He had tried to have a conversation with her, starting by asking who she was and where did she come from but he got no response just a confused angry look on her face. Well shit he thought now what.

He sat on the couch beside her with her wrist in his hand she had just tried to attack him.. again he could feel that her skin was hot, not burning but a warmth to it that seem to come from under her skin, it wasn't the first wrist he touched but it was the first to feel like there was a dull fire burning beneath the skin, which felt smooth. He let go of her wrist and flattened out her hand, he then reached out his and shook her hand. He pointed to himself with his free hand and said "Dylan".

Yazmina knew the gesture he was displaying, she had seen the traveler demons doing it while laughing about the mortals stupid customs, she accepted his hand realizing that if she was going to survive this hell she would need some help.. help from a weakling, could she sink no lower. She watched him point to himself and say the word Dylan, she figured that must be his name, she mimicked his movement and pointed to herself "Yazmina" she responded and hoped he understood.

When Dylan heard this woman say her name he swore his heart skipped a beat, her voice sounded calm and sultry, he felt a stirring that surprised him. He had to figure out how to talk with her, he was desperate to hear her voice again. He had to find out how she got here and where she was from.

He looked at the rags she had on, the white cloth was stained brown with dirt and torn it hung limply on her body, he imagined it happened when she fell on to the beach, wait fell, no landed he clarified in his mind. She landed on the beach with the old ruin wasn't there before and he really hoped it was still there when he went back, but he had to figure out his unexpected guest first.

Dylan had no idea about women's clothes or what would suit her, he needed help and a woman's help at that. Considering he wasn't suppose to have girls in his room he couldn't exactly just ask anyone. He reached for his phone and dialed his buddy Ian.

Ian picked up on the second ring in his usual carefree world by the balls tone "Sup bro". Dylan asked Ian if he could get Jenna's number for him, he rolled his eyes when Ian made a crude comment about wanting Jenna's gem but he agreed to get the number, Dylan heard Ian saying something else but just hung up the phone, he was distracted by Yazmina bending over the his television touching it gently as if the tv would bite her. 

He couldn't help but notice the dirty white cloth that covered her had ridden up at the back, exposing the soft tan skin on the back of her thighs, he could make out the curve of her ass through the cloth and had to adjust himself, he was awestruck and couldn't take his eyes away He was relieved when his phone chimed.

He looked at the message it was Jenna's contact info, Dylan wasted no time calling her. She took forever to answer and he was just about to hang up when she breathlessly answered the phone. Before she could say hello Dylan began talking "Jenna remember the girl we found the other night on the beach, he barely registered her responding with a drawn out and hesitant "Yes".

After he explained to Jenna that she was awake and about the communication issues he then gave her the real reason he called, she needs clothes, something that a modern woman would wear" I have no idea what size she is or what she would wear, I need your help". He thanked Jenna and said he would leave his dorm room door unlocked, if there was a knock at his door it would be heard by the all the rooms on that floor and if  a girl was observed going in their would be hell to pay.

Dylan and Yazmina sat back on the couch, Dylan thought about how to communicate with her, he had so many questions and he was sure she did too. He pointed to Yazmina making sure to look into her eyes so she knew he was talking to her and began to speak slowly. "Where from" he left out the smaller words that were usually in that question thinking it might be too much. He waited and hoped it worked.

Yazmina looked back at the male called Dylan, still unsettled by the feeling she got in her body and the sensations that accompanied his touch, the warmth of his hand, warmth that seemed to radiate from his skin. She understood what he was asking her and tried to figure out how to respond, she could only think of one way to say it "demon realm". She hoped that he would understand.

Dylan understood alright, his first thought was correct, she was a nut job. If he understood correctly she was saying she was from a demon realm, which meant she was certifiably crazy. He sat there looking at her debating on what to do when he heard his door open. He looked up and saw Jenna standing in the doorway her mouth wide open.

Dylan turned to look at what Jenna was staring at, he barely got a hold of Yazmia who was leaping from the couch towards Jenna with his video game controller in his hand wielding like a weapon. He grabbed Yazmina by the waist and hauled her back, he wasn't unaware that he was touching her and his body was reacting but he couldn't have her attacking Jenna.

He pulled Yazmina down on the couch and looked at her "stop" he said, he could feel her still struggling and could swear she had gotten stronger from when she attacked him earlier, but nothing had changed, he brushed it off and turned his attention back to Jenna. "I'm sorry" he said "she's a little startled, I think she has amnesia. Dylan knew it wasn't true but it was the easiest and most realistic explanation.

Jenna looked at the dark haired, tan skinned woman who was sitting on the couch staring at her with rage, Jenna thought she looked possessed like she was a demon beast or something, so not feminine though Jenna and thought she would take care of that, if there's one thing Jenna knows is how to take a girl drab to fab, she maybe brilliant and close to a genius but she also excelled at fashion and beauty trends. She slowly walked into the room and closed the door gently, she walked over to the them and stood beside the couch, Dylan and Yazmina remained seated.

Dylan pointed to Jenna and said slowly "Jenna,  friend to help", then he pointed to the cloth Yazmina was wearing, "new dress" he said slowly.

Yazmina hated him talking to her like that, he sounded like a baby, didn't this guy know how to speak properly, she entertained his one word introductions but he better start speaking clearly  soon or else she would start thinking he was a dribble. She hoped responding to him the way he talked to her  would help him understand her better, but she thought not, he most likely was a dribbler after all.

Jenna walked up to Yazmina and held out her hand the same way Dylan had earlier and Yazmina remembered what to do, she shook hands with Jenna and was puzzled when Jenna pulled her hand away quickly and asked "damn why is your skin so hot"?

Dylan got up off the couch and picked up the bags Jenna had dropped on the floor when Yazmina first lunged for her, he handed them to Jenna and said "I'm not sure where you can go to do this, you can't use the bathroom you will for sure get caught, I have no door except for the one that leads to the hall" he finished.

Jenna looked at him with exhaustion and annoyance "well then you better use the only door you have and step out of it" she walked over to the door to the hallway and opened it "bye bye now" she said in a mock cheery tone and closed his door.

Dylan stood there looking at the closed door to his dorm room, "women" he muttered under his breath and went out for a walk.

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